Monday, June 30, 2008

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

When your Internet marketing game is selling affiliate products, you may think it's impossible for you to be list building at the same time. Untrue! You can use the product or program to be list building, just as if you had a product of your own.

You can use any means to sell products that isn't illegal or disallowed in your affiliate agreement. Most affiliate pages, emails, and such are just there so that affiliates who aren't so skilled in Internet marketing will have something to promote. You've heard the 80/20 rule? Only 20% of the people involved in an affiliate program of any kind will actively promote it in creative ways and make sales. Because they're more creative and active, they make more money and everyone is happy, so don't let being an affiliate for a program stop you from list building at the same time.

When you set up the list building page, give people a review of the product, for instance. Once people read what you have to say about it, they'll be more inclined to sign up because someone else has used it and is readily sharing its benefits. Just be sure that you have tried the product and can stand by a good review, which can be done in 250 words or less.

The review should show the reader how buying or using the product will benefit them. Point out it's shortcomings, too. Because no product or program is perfect, people expect to see a balance. Too much praise will seen artificial.

If you need to start building your first Internet marketing list, Tellman Knudson's My First List is an excellent product. Not only does it give you step-by-step methods for choosing a domain, setting up a web hosting account, and building a squeeze page, Tellman, in his own words, teaches you how to monetize the list you're building. It makes things so easy for you that you barely have to think, and when you've finished working the system, it will be something you'll never forget.

I will state that the product isn't free, so if you're looking for free information, this isn't it. But it's always been my experience that paid is better than free, and why waste time? You could spend months putting together what Tellman teaches you in 9 short hours.

I became an affiliate of this program only because I have used it and proved that it works. I'm already making money, and if you'd like to learn how, please fill in your name and email address for more information.

When people go to the My First List site, they'll see another opt-in box, that's true. They may be reluctant to fill in their names and email addresses again, but if you excite them enough, they'll just do it. However, this probably will work better when your affiliate page is opt-in box free. People don't mind giving their information again when they 're buying something. It's expected. This is just an example.

After people opt-in to your list, they will get a "thank you" message that you'll create as the first message in your autoresponder series, which will include a bit more information about the product or Internet marketing program and a link to your affiliate page. This system is easy to set up and will boost your list building efforts very quickly. Try it!

Tellman Knudson, CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., is a master list builder and well-known for his first project, List Crusade. Tellman teaches you his system for explosive list building at

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Throughout the years many people have learned the secrets of search engine optimization. More and more sites are getting massive results on getting free targeted traffic to their sites. Some people even had articles as their only source of Traffic.

But how do you get traffic from an article? The answer is simple. It is called a resource box. A resource box is something you put a link and then people can click it. Make sure the the site that you are wanting them to go to is relevant to the article that you make.

Like the article, a resource box must also be eye-catching and want the reader to click on the link. If you reader likes you article chances are they will click on the link to find out more about the certain topic you were writing on. This is where the resource box comes handy.

A good thing to put in your resource box is a key word. This, in return, will help you rank higher in the search engines as well as triggering the reader to click on your link. Another tip would be to not mislead your readers. You don't want to send them to a place they will click off of. Instead try sending them to a good looking website so they will stay longer and hopefully buy something.

This little resource box is one of the most important tools to have in getting traffic to your site. You should not take this lightly at all. Try to make the resource box as you have a great deal to offer. If you follow these steps they'll be no reason why someone would want on your website and you will get plenty of free targeted traffic day in and day out.

Get all the help you need to make money from home for free. Easy internet marketing tips and secrets from author and internet marketing instructor Max Whitson. To learn these secrets and more please visit

Online marketing starts with your website

Internet marketing allows you to reach a global audience. Internet marketing is marketing your business online. Online marketing starts with your website; make sure its attractive and easy to use. When they need information, modern-day consumers turn first to the Internet. All of your online marketing will make sure they will find

With the New Year upon us, you may be preparing to launch a new product or service online. To this end, here are the top 5 website marketing tools for 2007.

Social Networking: In order to effectively sell your product or service, you need to network with internet marketers. Check all internet marketing forums; join, and avail yourself of their expertise. Establish friendships; ask questions, and keep an open mind. Continuous dialogue will enable you to better understand the ins and outs of internet marketing. Research as much as you can about the product or service you are offering to determine where it ranks in search engines.

Joint Ventures: This can be most important to the success or failure of your future endeavor. While you may have expertise in one element of marketing, you may lack proficiency in other areas. To this end, seek out other internet marketers who may be interested in a joint venture. Be honest and open regarding your goals; and perhaps you may find someone of the same ilk or niche who you can partner with; and thus, enable both of you to successfully achieve that which you could not do on your own.

Email Marketing: Email is a highly effective marketing tool. Here are just a few good ways to use e-mail marketing. Limit the number of emails you send; inundating inboxes can be frustrating to the reader and inevitably end in deletion. Always include contact details and links to your website. Create links back to your website. Use your email for newsletters promoting your product or service. Offer incentives such as e-books or free products. Use an auto-responder in your email marketing campaign to deliver newsletters, offers, follow-ups and messages to your clients.

Blogging: This is another effective way in which you can optimize your website traffic. Using a blog as a promotional tool gives other consumers a chance to respond, comment, and refer your websites product to others. Blogging has become another medium to having a web presence. For small business owners who do not have the time to learn put up a website, or the money to hire a designer/developer, blogging offers an inexpensive method to get your company's name out on the internet.

Article Marketing: Submit your articles to as many online article directories as possible. Utilize their service to draw attention to your product which, in turn, will optimize your networking skills. Utilize auto-responders to send your articles to clients. Incorporate affiliates to promote your articles. When writing articles, add links to other articles within the niche you are promoting. Write a compendium of articles into an e-book and either offer it as a freebie on your website, or offer it to other site owners in exchange for referrals.

These top 5 internet marketing tools for 2007 should assist you in pursuing your goals for the New Year. In the fast-paced and competitive world of internet marketing, you will need all the resources available to, at the very least, remain on top of the game. To successfully enjoy the benefits of internet marketing, you need determination, fortitude and knowledge in order to stay one step ahead of the other guy. Dont give up on your New Years resolution or your dreams. Happy New Year and best of luck!

To stay on top of the latest website marketing solutions for 2007, Ethan recommends visiting and bookmarking right away.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

I am sure that before you tried article marketing you may have tried other methods of advertising with very little success. For most newbie marketers paying for advertising can be very intimidating.

Say for example if you were to advertise in Google AdWords this can be very expensive. You may need to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars before you get your campaign successful. The process will be that you find keywords related to your targeted market and advertise on them. You would then work out your return on investment and get rid of all the keywords that did not perform. This is quite an involved process until you get your marketing system profitable. However, once you get it profitable it is very easy to estimate how much money you will make for every 100 visitors that you send to the website.

Now with article marketing for a newbie marketer the process is really simple. You start by writing articles and submitting them to the major article directories. You will include a link to your squeeze page in your bio. After somebody has read your article they will click through to your squeeze page. From here any newbie marketer can run statistics and track their conversion from the squeeze page to the sales page. They can also test and see which autoresponder messages convert into sales.

Now this is really important internet marketing is not difficult. However, it is hard work and if you are lazy I suggest that you stick to your day time job. Article marketing allows a newbie marketer to test their marketing system at zero cost before they decide to invest in paid advertising.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

After you have spent hours of your time creating a home page, it is certainly disheartening when no one visits your site, or the traffic is so minimal that it might as well be nonexistent. At this point you probably give up and decide to either build another website around a different target market or just lose all hope and quit. Well, news flash, as you have probably figured out by now, this is not the way to go about doing things.

You can register with search engines till your fingers won't type anymore, but unless you truly understand how search engines work and how to use their indexing features, you are wasting your time.

Let me give you a specific example of what your very first steps MUST be when creating any website... no matter what the subject matter.

I will use a handbag related website as an example. Before you start creating and collecting content for the website, you need to do a little keyword research. This is VERY important and should not be skipped. To do your keyword research, go to:

They have a very good keyword tool, and best of all it's free! Once you have downloaded this software, you can enter the most generic keyword for a website into the software. In our example, our keyword would be "handbag". Good Keywords will return a list of related terms. The "count" column will then show us how many times the specific keyword has been searched for the previous month within the search engine. Generally, you can multiply that number by 8, in order to estimate the number of times that keyword has been searched within Google for the previous month.

The task is to find which multiple keyword combination most clearly matches your site's intent and yield few enough documents in searches that you will be able to attain rankings. These are your "power combinations." You will rarely want to target single keywords even if a single keyword is what you really want, you may not be able to attain a search engine ranking on it. For a brand new website, you might better use your time to pair the keyword with something more specific. More specific keywords have the added advantage of ensuring that your prospects are more qualified. Besides, given the millions of documents indexed in the Web and the number of possible ways to interpret a single keyword, a single keyword can be more misleading than helpful.

Do NOT start off by choosing highly competitive keywords to optimize. Why, you ask? If a keyword is highly competitive (more then 5,000 searches for the previous month) then 10 times out of 10, the competition you will have to outrank will be extremely fierce. This is not something you should try to take on right away.

Let's use the handbag website as an example. "Handbag" by itself does not target any specific audience. It is too broad. A search on "handbag" at almost any search engine will return over 30 million other websites (web pages)! I don't know about you, but that's an lofty goal to start with. If you scroll down, you can find some more specific keywords to pair with handbag like "discount" or "discount leather," to gain real meaning.

These could be possible keywords you should target to begin with. Once you have your list of 3 to 4 keywords, you need to go to Google and check out the competition to see exactly how hard it will be to optimize for the specified keyword.

You will want to evaluate the page ahead of yours by literally clicking on their listings, visit their site, and select View from the pull-down menu in your browser and then Document Source in Netscape Navigator, or Source in Microsoft Internet Explorer. This allows you to view the actual HTML, code that makes up their page and see if the sites above you are actually optimizing their "onpage optimization factors."

As you view the source file from your competitors, you need to look for a few things. Ask yourself, "Is a particular keyword more prominent in their Title tag than in Mine?" If this page has a keyword in the third position, make sure your Title tag has a keyword in the third position. If their page has the keyword twice in the title, in position three and seven, you do the same without copying their Title tag. If their page has 264 words of copy, write 264 word of copy. If their 264 word of copy contains three occurrences of the targeted keyword, yours should have three, and so on.

Ok, now we know how to out optimize the top ranking sites.... at least for all the onpage optimization factors that Google deems as important.

Remember, the main idea behind ranking well on Google is to analyze the top ranked websites and then do those things that they're doing, BUT just a little better to one up them, which will lead to a better ranking. In theory, you can build a page that is identical to theirs in format. However, the search engine will treat the two pages differently depending on what other ranking factors the engine considers such as link popularity.

Pamela Upshur is the owner of Upshur Creative.

Upshur Creative combines fresh, contemporary, fully functional turnkey websites with the best PHP scripts and databases to create the largest and most comprehensive turnkey collection for entrepreneurs.

Visit her site at: Turnkey Web sites

Just what are the Benefits of Submitting Articles to E-Zines

E-zine advertising is perhaps one of the most underused forms of promotion. It is a good idea to do your homework, before launching your viral marketing campaign. Article writing and publishing has become the latest buzz in the internet website marketing world. The name of the game as far as Internet marketing

Article Marketing if done correctly can drive tons of traffic to your website. Writing and submitting articles to directories has become one of the most popular ways to promote your site and business. In this article I will go over some of the ways that article marketing can make you an expert in your field and drive that most coveted traffic to your site.

First of all you have to write a well formatted article that makes sense and offers the reader something that they did not already know. You want to educate them and keep them interested in what you are writing about. Most people out there can smell a scam, so make sure you are presenting your self as an expert on the topic you are writing about. Be prepared when you write. Do some research on the topic and take notes. Also write more than one article on the subject. People will come back to read more of what you are writing about if you peaked their interest in an earlier article.

Once you have written a good article and submitted it to various article directories you will begin to see visitors come to your site. Remember though you have to have some good articles to keep your reader's interested. The more articles you write and submit the more visitors you will attract to your site.

As you are attracting visitors, you are also building one way back links to your site. These are links from sites that have similar content as yours. These are people who have read your article and posted it to their sites or e-zines. Once these articles are posted to other people's sites there is no way to tell how far out they will reach. This is great for building your link popularity.

Link popularity is what gets you ranked in the search engines. The more links you have pointing to your site the higher you will rank in the search engines. Links are only good if the sites they come from are relevant in content to your site. It would not do you much good if you have a lot of links pointing to your site from fly fishing sites if you site is about golfing. So keep your articles relevant to the niche market you are targeting.

You can have a perfectly written article, with excellent content. But if you do not include a resource box at the end of the article you will not get any visitors to your site. The resource box is the main reason for you to write the article. you want to write an interesting enough article so that your reader's will make it to the resource box. This is where the gold is, where the money is, where you get the next person for your list, where sales come from. Make sure you have a good resource box. Keep it simple and do not brag about your self here. You went through all the trouble of writing a great article, it would be a shame to lose your reader's when they get to the resource box.

As you can see it is not to difficult to write a good article and drive traffic to your site. The key is to be consistent and persistent in your article writing. The more articles you write on different subjects the more subjects you will be an expert in. So do your research, keep writing and you will see your business grow tremendously.

Copyright Frank Tello

Frank is a very successful Internet Marketer with various Affiliate programs. Visit Franks website at http://www.Home-Biz-For-You.Com You can Pick up Franks Free Home Business Newsletter at Free Newsletter

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

In a nutshell, article marketing is the most effective marketing tool in the internet today. Most webmasters are using it not just because its free but more importantly, because it delivers great results. From increased page views to improved page ranking, to increased sales potential to improved revenue and more.

Here are the 3 intermediate secrets to multiply your article marketing:

1. Build up your products. Although most publishers will not allow you to pitch in your products in your articles, you can still create a need for them in a subtle way. How? If you are selling educational plans, you can write about "Education - the best gift you can give to your children", "How to secure a bright future for your children", "Educational plans - what they can do for you and your loved ones", etc. These topics will give more value to your offerings and make your readers realize that your product is a must-have.

2. Write for your readers. One of your goals in writing and distributing your articles online is to convince your readers to trust you and consider doing business with you. That can only happen if you are able to offer them information that they will find useful and valuable to their lives. Strive to provide answer to the questions that bother your readers, offer sound solutions to their pressing issues, and provide information that will help them better understand their current situation. When you do, they will treat you as someone who is genuinely interested in helping them and not just a random marketer who is just after their money.

3. Write for search engines. You would want your readers to easily find you content online, correct? Thus, you must know how to properly optimize your articles by using relevant keywords all through out your content.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

As the internet becomes more and more popular, the demand for information-based marketing techniques (such as writing and distributing articles) has increasingly grown. Today, it is considered as one of the best methods in driving targeted clients to websites and converting them into buyers.

1. Bank on your content. Your primary goal in writing and submitting articles on publishing sites is to entice your readers to click on your resource box. The best way to achieve that is by giving online users great content that showcases your knowledge on your chosen field. When your potential clients feel that you are really good on what you do, they are most likely to trust you and take your recommendations.

2. Write more. As you know, the number of your submissions equate to the number of inbound links that you can obtain for your website. The more articles you write and submit, the greater your chances of improving your traffic and page ranking.

3. Optimize your content. Identify the keywords and key phrases that are usually used by your target market when they are using search engines. Incorporate these keywords on your content to make your articles highly searchable online.

4. Check on your progress. Make it a habit to check the performance of your articles at least once a week. Identify the articles that are generating impressive click through rates and learn the elements that make them successful online. Incorporate these elements to your other articles that are seldom read.

5. Proofread. Any error found on your articles can be a threat against your online credibility and professionalism. Thus, it is of out most importance that you manually check your articles before you post them online.

6. Submit to the best publishing sites. Pick article submission sites that have steady traffic and indexed by major search engines. These are the only sites that can help you realize your article marketing goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Almost every business owner knows the 80-20 rule and how it applies to their business. In addition to applying this rule for business, almost everyone else can find a fit for this amazing split to their own personal lives.

There have been studies done to prove or disprove this rule. In the end, the results do speak for themselves. As a general rule, the 80-20 split does work. Sure, there may be subtle differences. When analyzed the split may work out to be 85-15 or 75-25. But the reality of the rule always comes back to prove that as a general rule this 80-20 rule seems to apply to a great many things.

In general, you will find:

  • 80% of a business' profits come from only 20% of the customers.
  • 80% of sales come from 20% of the items in inventory.
  • 80% of your problems come from 20% of the people.

80% of Optimized Pages Bring only 20% of the Traffic

If you don't believe this then you should look at your analytics program more closely. It is a fact that the majority of the pages on your site will only have a limited number of page views. Some hardly ever get a look.

Then why are these pages important to have on your site? If you think that a page that hardly ever gets a view is unimportant to Search Engine Optimization then you are so very wrong.

Those obscure, unread and lonely pages are vital to your overall SEO plan. As long as they are optimized for your keyword phrases for your site and do get updated from time to time then they do help give gravity to your site in the search engine rankings.

80% of Sales come from 20% of Items

On an E-commerce site where you are selling items you will find that 80% of your sales will come from only 20% of the items. Then why have those other items in inventory and on your site?

It is the 80% of your inventory that helps drive your ranking on the search engines. Even items with 0 items in stock will help drive your rankings higher.

On an E-commerce site with 1,000 items this 80-20 rule will mean that your overall sales will be generated by 200 items. The other 800 items will have very little traffic if any. It is not uncommon for an item to not have a visitor in a 90 day time period.

On our E-commerce sites we even load items that do not have a quantity in stock at this time. We create a page and optimize the page with page title, meta tags, descriptions and continue to update the inventory along with all the other items on the site. What this item does for us is give gravity to our site as an authority on our keyword phrases even though it does not add to our overall sales volume.

80% of Ranking Well Comes From 80% of Your Unread Pages

Understanding and applying the 80-20 rule to SEO it is our experience that:

  • 80% of pages are not high in visitor counts
  • 80% of items on an E-commerce site will not have any sales
  • 80% of ranking well in search engines comes from 80% of items and pages that hardly ever get seen.
Size does matter. Having quality optimized pages on your site does matter. Having a lot of quality optimized pages on your site will help rank it higher in the search engines and allow you to compete with the mega sites and even surpass their rankings.

Search engines are looking for quality content and lots of it. Give the search engines what they want and you will get what you want. It is as simple as that.

Nathan Lewis has earned a solid reputation helping small to medium sized businesses expand their reach through niche market websites such as My POS Printer. New receipt printers from Epson Receipt Printers and Star Micronics Receipt Printers.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

One of the most important marketing tools available online to promote your business cannot be purchased You can spend hours on end looking all over the internet for the best program or system to market your product or service but truth be told, the answer is right there where you are sitting. Yes! You are the answer to viral marketing.

This marketing strategy costs only your time, your commitment and discipline to produce well written articles with information people are seeking. You are an expert. Share your expertise and build a following for your knowledge while creating a market for your offerings online!

Honestly, it doesnt matter if you are on a music or parenting site. We all browse through websites for advice and articles that will solve our life problems, explain lifes mysteries, make our lives easier, less cluttered, and show us how to be more successful in relationships and business. We stumble across articles that help us, that answer our questions.

Have you ever found an article that when you finish reading it, you have this sudden feeling of rightness? After experiencing a writers viewpoint, you understand something that baffled you. When a writer clicks with the reader, it is a reflex for the reader to want to know more about the author. Reader automatically searches for more writings by the author. Why? The author answered something for you!

Articles truly are the most powerful marketing tool you can use to sell yourself as a business. Power? Yes! Marketing Power.

Online articles allow you to market yourself as knowledgeable, helpful, and consistent and willing to take the time to share what you know to friends you havent met yet. This is power to develop relationships on-line. Through articles we can develop friendships, business contacts, customers, and online credibility. There is no need to sell yourself or your business within the article. Simply share your knowledge, your thoughts and ideas.

Selling occurs outside the article in the resource box. A great deal has been written on how to sell within the resource box. What exactly does this little blurb of information about the author provide the reader? The resource box allows the reader to know the author on a more personal note. Being able to identify with the authors role as single mom or work from home dad is a powerful human connector!

You create an image of the author but want to know if the image holds, so you click to visit their website or subscribe to receive their free e-mail course, maybe even download of their latest e-book. Each of these clicks brings you closer to the author. You feel connected and will remember them.

A single encounter with an author online doesnt usually make an immediate impact but after the second or third time you read yet another of this same authors articles found on yet another website. You take notice. You realize this is a person to look up!

Just think about this.

Finding a great article that explains multi-level marketing, affiliate programs, baking home-made bread or how to potty train your resistance 3 year old can be a literal bright spot in your day! You open your mailbox and a friend has sent you a poem or story that had been forwarded to them. That in a nutshell is viral marketing.

Over time you will notice websites, article banks and e-zines publishing articles by these same authors that have already helped you in some way. You mentally filed their name and maybe even their website to back of your mind as a positive. You find security in reading their latest article because you feel you already know that author on some level.

So if you share great stories, articles, poems, writings with friends and customers online then you already know the power of words to influence and change lives. It can be a very overwhelming. The thought of writing for others to read can be scary. The joy comes in having someone send you an email or subscribe to your newsletter because you helped them with one of your articles. It is an important step in working from home. Developing a series of articles to help others to meet whatever challenges face them day to daythat is the goal and you will suddenly realize you are marketable.

Just as a musician has to strum their first chord before they can play in a band. The first step is the hardest but with practice you will see the power in your skills to share information others need or want. Now start writing!


Tammy Ames is owner of avid blogger. You are invited to come connect with Tammy on her business blog.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

It has been said that the pen is mightier then the sword. If that is the case then why are you not using what could be the most powerful item to get noticed online?

When we started our website, we were not much different than anyone else out there. Our website went live and we worked to get all of our customers. One way we did this was work with other web sites that were similar in nature to ours and agreed to write articles for them.

These articles we wrote helped us build our customer base online and gave us the ability to get our expertise out there in written word on the world wide web.

Are you an expert in something? What does your company specialize in? Answer those two questions and start writing about them. To get noticed online give people what they want to read, information, and web site partners what they crave, content.

You should write about one article per week. If you have the time to write more that`s great, but once a week will do. Create partnerships with other websites that could use your content. For example, my friend runs a rental property repair business. He writes about an article a week on how to handle the small repairs, and other things of that nature. His content can be found on real estate investors, investment clubs, and landlord web sites and so on.

You get the point. After he writes his articles he then emails them to his contact and they do the rest. They post it on their website; even email it to their members in their newsletters.

Your article should be 500 to 100 words in length. Any shorter and it won`t be taken serious, any longer and no one will read it because it will be too long and take up too much space on your partner`s web site.

Your article should be informational. In other words it shouldn't be 500 words on why they should use your service or buy your product, but 500 words on what you are an expert at with some statistics if possible.

Finally, after the article is complete add an "About the Author" section where you tell people who you are and how they can get in touch with you. You can see an example of this in our own article here.

Articles published on the correct web sites will greatly improve your popularity online for your business and web site. The best part it only costs you some time.

By: Bruce A. Tucker

About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world.

To download Indocquent's FREE social network bookmarking tool visit will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets as a free courteous service when you register.

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

The first step to SEO is to select a page title for your website. The title of your page should only include your PRIMARY keyword phrase (the main keyword that you want to optimize). For example, if you were building a website or blog that was focused on "101 Ways to Healthy Eating", that should be the title of your page. Don't change it up or add additional keywords to it. Use the title of your page to hone in on the exact keyword phrase that you want to optimize and nothing else. Remember, every keyword has to be optimized separately, meaning that if you have done your homework, checked WordTracker for a specific keyword (or keyword phrase), checked out the competition on Google, etc etc.. and you decided to that the specific keyword phrase you searched out will work for you, that is what you need to use. Even changing or adding a single keyword means going back to the drawing board and re-researching that phrase from scratch.

SEO sucks, I know - but it's an important process if you want to rank higher in the engines and in turn, garner more traffic to your website.

The next step is to create a heading for your page, which is the first thing your visitors see when they land on your website. Some webmasters like to use header graphics and if you are one of them, be sure to include your keyword in the 'alt' tag, otherwise if you are using a textual header, be sure that you use the

<h1> tag.

Here's an example: Code:

This is your header

Another tip is to keep your

<h1> tag to the left of your page if possible. The logic behind this is that the Google bots (spiders) that visible your website read from left to right. It's known that having your <h1> tag too far on the right alignment can actually hurt your SEO ranking. The only exception to the way the bots will read your website is if you have links in a left aligned navigation menu. In this case, the Google bots will then read the links down the left hand side column before it further explores your page.

You will also want to add a sub-header to your page, but for sub headers, you should use the

<h2> tag instead (this makes your text a bit smaller than your header tag).

A sub header is the line underneath your header.



This is your header
This is your sub-header text

So, for a website focusing on 101 Ways To Healthy Eating might use a sub header (sub title), such as: "Healthy Eating Techniques That Work". Regardless what you decide to use, be sure that you also use your primary keyword (the main term/phrase you are optimizing) included in your sub title as well.

Keyword Stuffing

Although you should always include your primary keyword (phrase) in your sub title as well as in your main title, one thing you want to avoid is what is referred to as Keyword Stuffing. This is simply listing your primary keywords repeatedly on your page. Search engines like Google will quickly detect this and your ranking may go down so be sure to sprinkle your keywords throughout your page but use common sense when doing so. An easy way to determine if you are over-using your keyword is to read it out loud.

Does it make sense to you?
Does it sound natural?
Is this how you would talk about it in public?

If it sounds similar to how you would talk about it in person, then you should do okay. If it is written in such a way that makes it difficult for an average person to read, it should be re-written. Pages created exclusively for the search engines do not do well, both in terms of your visitors clearly understanding what you are trying to say and in the way search engines determine how to rank you.

There are many aspects to cover when doing your best SEO possible. Other methods including having your page indexed quickly by getting posted (linked) on similar/related websites with a high PR rank is just one of those techniques to explore. The most important thing however, is the initial steps you take when setting up your page. Be sure to include your title tag, a brief meta description, research keywords and long-tail keywords, explore your competitors pages, check the Page Rank of other similar sites, and on and on it goes.

Once you start to remember that SEO begins from the time you create your very first page, you will find it easier to rank higher in the search engines.

Jake Riley operates an internet Marketing review center available at - The site was designed to offer uncensored reviews of all the latest product launches, WSO's, marketing services and products from new marketers and seasoned pros.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is the most talked about marketing tool in the online arena today. Some webmasters are still stunned when they realized that they actually generate more traffic, improved their search engine ranking, and increased their sales by just using this technique. Because of this, a lot of people are joining the bandwagon. Well, who wouldn't want to make more profit by just writing and submitting articles online?

Here are the 5 keys that can help you succeed in article marketing:

1. Write as many quality articles as you can. The success of article marketing relies on the number of your articles and their quality. When online users see that you have so much quality information to share, they will tag you as an expert on your chosen field. This can lead to increase number of your following.

2. Fill your articles with relevant keywords. To make your articles highly visible on search engines, sprinkle just the right amount of keywords on your content. Make sure that the keywords that you use are those that are being search for by your target market.

3. Provide your readers with powerful summary or conclusion. Provide your readers with a recap on important points that you have raised on your articles. This will make them remember your ideas for a longer period of time.

4. Cross reference your articles. Make it easier for your readers to access your other articles by inserting their links on the current article they are reading. This is the best way to "upsell" your other articles.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from publishing sites like and, syndicate your articles and post them on ezines, blogs, or compile them to create an eBook. To reach more audience, I suggest that you make this eBook available for download and ask your readers to share it with their friends and family members.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

To make money with article marketing, you need to learn, register to directories and write and submit an article a day. To earn even more, you can get ghostwriters to help you.

Now let's see the last two parts of this article series.

5. Bio box

You need to add the right resource box. Pay attention because I got this wrong for almost two years. If you add a link without anchor text in your bio box, you will get more subscribers to your website.

Why? Because many visitors will not notice your link if it's an anchor text.

If you want to get higher search engine rankings for your website, you can still add a second link with an anchor text, nothing prevent you to do this. I choose this route and my site get top rankings. By the way, this is another secret to get traffic to your website.

6. Landing page

You want to send people to your landing page and not on your website general home page. In fact, the landing page strategy is similar to Google adwords quality score except that there is no slap. If you do this wrong, you will not earn all the money you deserve for your hard work.

And don't forget, even if your articles are ugly at the beginning, with practice you will become better and write a profit pulling article in under twenty minutes. I almost forgot to tell you what is the article directory that is better than all the other combined. It's ezinearticles directory.

Take this to the bank.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: