Thursday, June 26, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

How's Your Article Production?

Are you writing a sufficiently continuous string of articles to market your product, service or business? Does an article roll off of your writing production line each day? How about two or three articles per day on an average? If so, great! If not you might want to consider trying out some new ways to ramp up your article writing output to more useful and acceptable levels to aid in reaching your marketing goals for this year.

Have You Ever Seen an Octopus?

If you've ever seen or tried to handle an octopus, you quickly realized that one of your biggest problems was determining where it was going. Its eight arms reach out in different directions and if you try to block or corral it in one way it instantly seems to proceed in two or more other directions at the same time. So it should be with your article writing and article marketing. You should be continually expanding not only the quantity of your articles, but their quality and format as well. This way you'll be constantly expanding your reach and expanding your brand or online presence.

Let Me Explain

After writing an article, or better yet, a series of articles, do you make sure to post them on several prominent article marketing sites? Don't just post to one article marketing site, post each of your articles to several article marketing sites. Next, how about changing your article's format? Well, you can convert each of your articles or article series into an audio-visual presentation which is then placed on your webpage or article marketing site. Use Microsoft Power Point, Flash or other format to create a presentation your interested readers might enjoy. Add sound, animation and color to the presentation to really "spice it up"and raise its interest value.

Other Useful Formats for Your Marketing Articles

Try reading your marketing article or series of articles out loud and recording them digitally using either a digital recording device or a software program like Audacity, Gold Wave or any of several other freely available ones. Now you've expanded into the audio production area with your article marketing. Burn these onto a CD ROM and you have a digital product to sell or give away. There's absolutely no reason why you couldn't do the same thing using video. Videotape yourself presenting your marketing article content aloud and burn the audio-visual presentation onto a CD ROM or a DVD and you'll have yet another valuable resource to sell or give away to clients and opt-ins. Depending on the topic of the articles you write, a screen-capture presentation might also be quite possible. Another good option is to record or provide a tele-conference based on your articles or series of articles at one of the free or very inexpensive tele-conferencing sites available online.

E-books and Reports Galore

Now don't stop there either. As an accomplished writer, you should most certainly compile your article writing into ten, twenty, fifty or more page e-books and reports which are also quite saleable online either as a package or individually. All this of course, from articles that you've already written and perhaps even already published as well. Don't forget to offer your marketing articles to other topic or theme-related blogs, newsletters and websites online. So consider exploiting your article writing for even greater article writing and article marketing success.

If you'd like to join my FREE "Write a Thousand Articles This Year" program, just contact me at and we'll get you started, put you on track and keep you going along with the other dedicated writing professionals in our rapidly growing group. Just think, a year or less from now, you'll be the proud author of a thousand or more articles. And your "writer" friends? Gosh, they'll just be sick with envy. And you? You'll love every moment of it, you thousand-article-writing devil you.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Internet articles are generally written for informative or marketing purposes. Writing for marketing campaigns, basically entices the reader to learn more about the products or services you offer.

The article itself is not where you sell the product, instead the article provides web readers with pertinent information and data, which in turn would entice them to take action and click on your website to learn more. In addition, the articles you write should be persuasive and credible, so that others would also want to post it on their websites, newsletters or blogs.

Internet Article Writing Purposes

Internet articles, whether for informative or marketing purposes, is distributed freely via the Internet. The main purpose is to generate targeted traffic to your website and construct, as well as maintain as list of potential customers.

The articles written are made to provide information to the reader and encourage them to learn further about your business or services. Internet marketing articles could be utilized to promote any type of product, service or specific information. They can be used to promote your website, affiliate marketing program or blog.

Why Should You Keep Within Keyword Density

Keyword density is another major factor that will,and should, play a significant role in your article content. It would be helpful to remember that keyword density should range between 1% and 5%. However, using too low of an amount of keywords will get your article lost in the search engine optimization shuffle.

If you pack your article keywords on the high end of the density,your article can then be considered to be keyword stuffed. It would be best to try to keep your keyword density in the 2% to 3% range. With this 1% keyword density range, your articles will have a nice range of keyword density that will help your article with search engine placement.

Generally-Accepted Article Lengths

Internet articles generally should be between 400 to 1,200 words in length. Keep the articles fairly within this length, since if it gets too long, the ones reading it may get really bored or start to click away. However, if the articles are too short on the other hand, it probably would not provide enough pertinent information.

The main objective is to strike a balance between the two aspects. The title of an Internet article is also one of the most important aspects you should keep in mind. An effective strategy would be to insert the keyword of your article into the title. In order not to compromise the quality of the title, experts suggest keeping an article's title between 4 to 7 or 8 words.

Preventing Keyword Abuse

In writing articles, writers may want to include the primary keyword or phrase, like around 1 to 3 times in each paragraph. It is wise to remember that placing keywords needs to make sense, and you would not want overuse the keyword or phrase in a paragraph or sentence, just to have it there.

7 SEO -

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Today Google is one of the most used search engines for searches today, I will provide a list of thing that you can do to increase your site search results for a targeted keyword. Using these tips will not only increase your results with Google but will help with other Search Engines such as Yahoo & MSN.

Before you start to promote your site over the internet, it is best to first find out what search term or also known as "keyword" that you want to use to build your campaign. It should be a keyword that is related to your site and one that is actually being searched for. A great keyword research tool that you can use is Google Keyword Tool. Using this tool you can type in a keyword manually or let Google analyze your site by typing in your site address. It will return all the keywords that are found on your site and you can filter the results by search volume and competition.

Once you choose your keyword or keywords you will want to implement this in your site which is known as On-Page Optimization. Ensure that your keywords Meta tag reflect that your keywords are included; the keyword should be in your Title or at least a variation. Also in your site content it is best to have this keyword in your content in the right places but don't keywords stuff your site where it may look unnatural. When a keyword accounts for 10% of the entire page content this is too much. When using keywords in your site, Search Engines will pick up if the keywords are in bold or italic. There are more ways to optimize your on page content but there is too much to cover in this article. I started with the basics.

Now for Off-Page Optimization also known as link building, this is one of the most important factors when it comes to your site getting ranked in Google. There are many options when building links. Generally it is best to get your site listed on high page rank pages that are relevant to your site. But that is always not so easy to do. The first link building technique I will mention is Article Submissions. Article Marketing can greatly increase your Google search exposure. You can write an article about something that is related to your site's content, and at the end of the article you can add 3 anchor texts and 3 hyperlinks that will point back to your site. You can then submit this article to article directories and when your site is accepted into the directory you will get back links from the hyperlinks in the article. When creating the anchor texts in the articles make sure you are using your targeted keywords that I mentioned earlier.

Another link building option is submitting your website to website directories or also known as search directories. There are many free ones out there that you can submit your site to. Just like the article submission, when your site is listed on a web directory you will get a backlink from the directory which passes "juice" onto your site. When creating the information to submit your website to directories the most important thing is choosing the right Anchor Text. Make sure when you create Anchor text you are again using your targeted keywords in it. Also make at least 5 variations of the anchor text. If Google sees your site was submitted to 500 directories all with the same anchor text this may be seen as duplicate content and then you most likely will not receive credit for the backlink.

These are just a few ways that you can increase your Google Search Engine Result Page's. There are many other ways for link building and On-Page Optimization.

One of the best directory submission services for helping your website is Nationsubmit Not only will they help grow the popularity of your site, but they will set it up for long term success in the future by establishing a trusted network of links from which the website will grow. View some of their link building Packages. You can also check out their Link Building Blog.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

The World Wide Web has several sides to it and while SEO plays a significant role in how your business succeeds, you must know there is a dark side which some experience and others dont. What can hurt your business the most is being excluded or banned from Googles indexing.

How does this happen? If you are using a SEO company that functions just on the other side of the right side and flaunts all of Googles guidelines or you somehow get a spam penalty. You need to make amends quickly.

Comb through your website and check for hidden text, hidden links, doorway pages, or redirections. Determine whether you are guilty of over optimization or what is termed as SEO Overkill.

Read through Googles guidelines and ensure that your site complies with each and every norm. Remove or redo offenders and check and recheck each page thoroughly.

Read and understand what SEO overkill means. Take care to do the best for your website but not overkill. Be smart and avoid shady actions. Google sticks to rules and righteously will exclude sites that flaunt norms. So, toe the line at all times.

Send a re-inclusion request to Google. You need to log in to Google Sitemaps and choose request reinclusion link and follow the steps. Understand Google by reading through the Google webmaster tools.

Use Google webmaster discussion group and Googles blog for webmasters for information on Google crawl and indexing methods and share as well as gain expertise from other webmasters.

Fill in the reinclusion form clearly and honestly. Write in the subject line reinclusion request.

It pays to be upfront and honest. Admit to mistakes and make sure you fix them. Never try and play innocent, even if the mistakes were made by a contractor the responsibility is still yours alone.

Explain clearly where and why the mistakes occurred and that you have made the changes.

Avoid being rude or using threats. You will just end up being left out in the cold.

Wait for Google to reply patiently. Never flood their email boxes with reminders or follow up letters.

The crux lies in figuring out what is wrong and how to set it right. Google is not out to get you. If you follow all the rules of SEO and fair play as far as Google goes you will face no problem. A user friendly site Google makes all efforts to update its help and other guidelines such that webmasters will benefit.

If you take care to do it right you will be reinstated in no time at all. Some have taken just a week to ten days.

Aaron Brooks is a freelance writer for, the premier website to find Seo consulting, link buildings and professionals seo training, online marketing tips, seo tools and more. His article profile can be found at the premier Article Submission Directory

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

What stops most network marketers in their tracks? Fear of being rejected, wasting their time, feeling like they have been taken, not making any money....I am sure you can come up with other concerns. The point is the majority of network marketing reps use antiquated marketing techniques and predictably get poor results. Finally, a company gets it right!

In this article I won't go over the services and products the company offers. You can get that information very readily by clicking the link in the resource box. The point of this article is to share with you the websystem that Lightyear has created which will take recruiting to unprecedented levels. By the use of high quality video the director of rep training goes over the details of the company, it's many products and services, and gives highlights of the compensation plan. He also gives new prospects direction on how to get started once they are interested.

The new website is done dramatically and tells a very compelling story. In fact, it is so complete that most prospects will be ready to join this business WITHOUT a sit down business presentation! That is unheard of in the network marketing industry, and frees you to do the things you desire.

Lightyear has also listened to feedback from the field. Two major areas were addressed. Start up costs and front end residual income. The company has four different levels of entry, giving everyone the opportunity to join at the level that is comfortable for them. The main tool that new prospects must have in order to promote their business is a company website that is branded to you. Now, that tool, which includes three separate websites, gives immediate residual income! This too, is unheard of in the network marketing arena.

What does this mean for you, the new rep? You can comfortably enter the business at the level that fits your desires and budget. Now you don't have to make that LIST and set up all sorts of meetings. You simply ask someone to take a look at your website. The website goes through four distinctive steps that brings the new prospect along in their understanding of the business and its benefits. And, if the prospect wants a complete business presentation they also have additional access on your website so that they can view the presentations in the comfort of their own homes. Oh, your prospect speaks Spanish....No problem. The whole website can be converted from English to Spanish in a click of a button!

One of the most important aspects of this websystem is this...It is totally duplicatable. And, isn't that the whole point of network marketing? If you are a go getter, who has no problem talking to people, is that part of your personality duplicatable? Of course not. So, how is a new rep that is not as outgoing as you, going to be glib enough to approach someone, ask the correct questions, and then sit down and give a compelling business presentation just like you? The answer, they can't. And, the follow up concern, they may NEVER be able to. So, that system is NOT duplicatable.

So, we must create a system that is so easy to use and implement that everyone feels comfortable using it. How would you like to simply give someone the URL of your website, and let the website take over? That is what Lightyear has designed.

But don't believe me...Make sure you click on the URL in the resource box below to experience it yourself. You will be pleasantly surprised!

Dr. Alfred Santoro is an internet network marketer who is passionate about helping people attain financial independence. For more information make sure you follow this link...

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

One of the most popular questions I often get asked with regards to list building is "How do I build an effective opt-in page?" First off, I'll be frank. If you don't know anything about HTML, you're a dead duck in the water. You need to know at least a little HTML if you want to make it in this business. So go and acquaint yourself with some HTML and your web hosting control panel (or your FTP program) before you start building your opt-in page.

Sure, there are templates out there that allow you to take them and plug them in to your server. But it's likely you will have to make some changes to the templates so you can call them your own. Here's 3 steps to creating your own rock solid opt-in page:

Step 1: Create a 'right on the money' headline

Your headline has to be absolutely 'right on the money' because it's often the first thing your visitor will see. Continually test your headlines and make small changes to see if it improves your response rate. Fill your headline with power words and benefits that are instantly recognizable.

Step 2: Make a list of benefits

Think of 3 to 5 big benefits your visitor will get if he opts in to your subscriber list. This is what people will be signing up for - the benefits. Put them in bullet form so they are easy to read.

Step 3: Create a high-converting opt-in form

Grab the HTML code from your autoresponder and insert it into your page. You should create an opt-in form with a call-to-action that tells people to act now and subscribe now. If you don't have a strong call-to-action, it's likely you won't see stunning conversion rates for your opt-in page.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!