Sunday, April 27, 2008

Split Testing Is So 20th Century: Taguchi Method Revolutionizes Conversion Rate Success

A new ad and website conversion testing method is available which will revolutionize your online marketing success rate. Before now, the best marketers have used split testing religiously. That preference is changing as you read this.

In case you are not aware, split testing is what allows Google AdWords masters to lower their bid price by constantly improving the click through rate of their ads. You start with 2 competing ads. Once you have a statistically relevant sample size (after 30 clicks or so), a winner should emerge. Split testing dictates that you should then delete the loser and create another ad to compete with the winner. After repeating this process 20 or so times, you'll wind up with the best performing of 20 ads.

Split testing takes patience. The key is to change one element at a time when performing new tests. If you change more than one element of an ad or sales letter, and a winner emerges, you won't know which element caused the success. Hence, if you want to be scientific about it, you must have extreme patience as you perform split test after split test changing one element at a time.

That was the old-school method. Now comes the Taguchi Method. This is a scientific method which has been used in the manufacturing industry for decades. You are able to shortcut the process of split testing while still testing multiple variables and pick a winner.

With only a handful of tests, you can test literally thousands of combinations of a dozen or more variables. Each element is statistically isolated (using a complex algebraic algorithm) so that you are able to come up with the "ideal" variation combination which produces maximum conversions.

Using this method, it is common to increase your conversion rates many times over! If you are an online marketer, you need to take a closer look at the Taguchi Method. It is clear that those employing this method will see their conversion rates skyrocket.

Given that this method is so mathematically complex, it is no wonder more marketers haven't yet adopted it. In recent years, however, some commercial products have made their way into the mainstream. Some large companies sell their Taguchi Method consulting services for tens of thousands of dollars. Other companies sell software which walks you through the process step-by-step of setting up a Taguchi Test and then tracks all the results. With the ease of conducting a Taguchi Test, this method is bound to become more mainstream.

Chris Crompton highlights the best Taguchi Method tools at

Article Marketing-Backlinks and Their Power

Article marketing can be one of the most powerful sources of overall traffic building that you could ever do online. When you combine the right methods of article marketing in the right mix of efforts, you can create incredible search engine rankings, which translates into traffic, and you can create enormous levels of direct traffic and loyalty and even name recognition.

Article marketing is so powerful that is can be used as the sole means of advertising your site and attracting visitors. A well thought out article marketing campaign can provide you with excellent search engine listings without any form of SEO being required.

This is not to suggest that SEO is not necessary, rather to suggest that article marketing is a tool that can help a well designed website in its quest for the Number One position on Google. In fact if you check out the Number one sites in your own niche you will probably find that it has quite a large number of links to it from other websites. This is the most likely reason why it has such a high listing.

By positioning yourself well by submitting multiple articles to multiple article directories, and including a backlink to your own web site, you can stimulate search engine ranking activity that mimics that of very large a popular sites.

One of the nice things about article marketing is that, since the idea with well-written articles is that the process really cannot be automated well, we are stuck with the prospect of writing our own articles, or paying others to do it for us.

This may seem like a sword to us, but it is really a blessing because it is hard to do, and to do well, most marketers stay away from it. The nice thing about that is that is that we have the opportunity to excel in an area that really cannot be automated and therefore it can probably not become saturated.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

How to Create Fraud in the Online Article Marketing Industry Sub-Sector

Becoming a fraudulent online article marketer is fairly easy, first pick a fake name. Second, build some websites in industries you know nothing about or even blogs if you want. Next, put AdSense ads on them - now put up some commentary that is "key word" rich. Now for the biggest secret of all; use deceptive advertising by writing online articles hyping and "buzz marketing" and write hundreds of articles, and post them online at free-submission sites, with by-lines to your various websites.

Another great trick is to "Steal" content from such online article websites and post these onto your blogs or websites, which have AdSense ads. Trust me Google does not care, as they make money too. The legitimate online article writers will never know, especially if you delete their name, add another name or kill their by-line links.

One more tip, if you are caught make sure you sign up for the Blog or website using false information so no one can catch you. If they do, simply say; "Oh, I am so sorry" then ignore them, hopefully they will go away. If they keep pestering you, delete those websites or stop using that one author's articles and go find some other ones, as you can keep that going on for years.

Why am I explaining how to be dishonest, cheat, lie, and be fraudulent on the Internet?

Well, because I am sick of it and completely disgusted that this is going on. I am tired of having my content stolen, I am tired of fraudulent hype, criminal buzz marketing activity, the fact that no one cares and that complete disregard of ethics by the human race. Further, I am tired of being a zombie slayer, there are just to many of you out there.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

How To Write An Effective Article Title For Top Search Rankings

Article marketing is one of the most effective Internet marketing strategies that you can implement for massive free targeted web traffic. So much is written on the importance of good article content. While this is true, the importance of writing effective article titles is greatly overlooked.

One of the most important factors in achieving a high ranking in the search engines is developing a good article title. The search engines take great consideration as to what text is written in the title link. Just like when you optimize your web pages on your website, articles work in the same manner. There are a few differences however.

When you write your article's title never ever use less than four words in any title. For Example: For illustration, let us say you have a fishing web site and want to promote the keyword phrase "bass fishing." This keyword is extremely competitive and almost impossible to obtain a top 10 ranking on Google. It is a very broad phrase, in which over 8 million sites are listed. The chances of a keyword phrase like this appearing in the top of the search engines with an article would be very slim.

How would you get this keyword phrase to stay at the top of the search engines? Well the answer to this question is we would use adjectives and filler words before and or after the keyword phrase that we are looking to rank.

Let's say you are promoting a site that sells bass fishing lures. If we use a rifle approach rather than a shotgun the search term that your readers are looking for will be more focused. So let's target in this example, "Bass Fishing With Plastic Worms". There are 377,000 sites instead of over 8 million.

The keyword phrase "Bass Fishing" would be way to competitive and you would most likely be wasting your time and energy to get ranked. The second aspect of a "rifle" approach is that your article objective is to get the sale or more traffic. Most anyone that is using a more targeted keyword search rather than a broad search would be more receptive to buy from you.

The reason that you would want to write a title of over 4 words is that you will go right to the top of the Google rankings for that targeted keyword. To be sure, there would not be as many searches for the term "Bass Fishing With Plastic Worms" as opposed to "Bass Fishing". But, you will rank at the top for that keyword rather than being listed on page 38 or something. Additionally, you would also have more focused buyers.

The last benefit of a title of 4 plus words is that in some cases you may also rank for other keywords such as, "Fishing With Plastic Worms", "Fishing With Plastic", or even "Bass Fishing". When your articles are submitted to high quality article directories, the web traffic for your site can grow exponentially.

A good article title will always include your targeted keywords. When you include your targeted keywords throughout a well-written article you will be well on your way to cashing in on a successful marketing campaign of ongoing web traffic.

Learn how article leverage will let you achieve the most article marketing visibility for your articles. Submit your articles TopRank Article Directory to maximize your web traffic.