Sunday, June 15, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Have you ever wondered which of your articles are the most popular? Do you even care?

I don't know, maybe you don't. But I was wondering and thought I'd try to find out.

Now, I'm not talking about marketing effectiveness. I'm just talking about crude popularity here. You know, prettiest prom dress; winningest personality; most likely to succeed. That sort of thing.

This kind of measurement is a little tricky because you can't go on raw numbers alone. The article published 15 weeks ago will certainly register more page views than the one published last week. Don't you think?

The passage of time skews even the best of intentions.

So what can you do?

I recommend a moving average approach.

First, download the CSV version of your Articles Report into a spreadsheet. Then, go down the list and give each article a rating based on the following criteria:

Give each article one point for every page view. A little sophomoric? Perhaps. But trust me.

Now, award 10 points for each time an ezine publisher followed the EzinePublisher link to that article's html and text codes. The reason this is more valuable than page views should be obvious. The whole point to article marketing is to write articles that get publishers to pick up the article and publish it, thereby increasing your readership. To the extent that you are making this happen with your ability to write compelling and useful articles, it's a valuable measure.

For every time an article has been e-mailed, award it three points. An e-mailed article means you have at least hit the interest nerve of some member of your target audience. It may not have been a publisher so the category isn't as valuable as the EzinePublisher link, but it is more valuable than a simple page view, which doesn't necessarily mean that someone read the entire article.

Next, give yourself a point for every positive comment and take away two points for every negative comment. Hey, that's not fair!

Alright, you've got me. I guess I'll have to appeal to human nature. Most people will not take the time to leave a comment, even if they like an article. Furthermore, they are more likely to leave a positive comment than a negative one. Given these two self-evident truths, if you get a negative comment, it means you struck a nerve. Take off two points and drive on. On the other hand, if you got a positive comment go ahead and pat yourself on the back and take the points you'll get from page views, downloads and other atta-a-humanoids as a better measure.

Finally, if you got any ratings votes, give yourself a point for each star. A five-star rating will warrant you five points. A three-star rating, three points. And that's all there is to it. Well, not quite.

Now that you've tallied the points, what does it mean? The article with the most points does not win the 'most likely to succeed' contest. Remember, time skews all things.

Divide the popularity points for each article by the number of weeks that it has been published on EzineArticles. If you have an article that ends up with 49 points and you published it 10 weeks ago, that article will have a final rating of 4.9. Now, rank your articles according to that number and you have a decent measure of popularity based on a moving average.

OK, go ahead. Say, "Who cares?"

Allen Taylor is an award-winning journalist and freelance writer. He is the operations manager for a full-service content provider at

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Well actually, linking isn't fun at all. In fact, it's quite tedious. Seeking, responding to requests and adding links takes time and effort. But, if you're not actively building links the RIGHT way you are going to be left behind. In other words, your site will be "Lost in Cyberspace". The plain fact is Google, and to a lesser extent, other important search engines, reward sites with links from relevant and important pages.

If you want your site to deliver lots of targeted search engine traffic (and who doesn't?) there are two equally important factors:

1) lots of keyword-rich, search engine friendly content
2) lots of relevant, incoming links from the RIGHT sources

For real success you need to cover BOTH of these strategies. Don't concentrate on one and not the other.

So, how do you go about building your links? It's not rocket science, but as I said, it does take time and effort. From my own experiences, here's what you should do:

1) Download and install the Google Toolbar:

This will show you the PageRank of the page you are viewing. PageRank is a measure, rated from 1 to 10, of the "importance" that Google gives to that page. There has been a lot written about PageRank. You don't need to become obsessed with it but it IS an important consideration when determining WHO to link to. A link from a PR-5 page is worth FAR more than a PR-0 page.

2) Establish a resource or links directory for your site. This lets potential link partners see that you are willing to exchange links. You should make it clear on your links pages what your linking policy is i.e. under what conditions you will agree to exchange links.

3) Your aim should be to build a resource directory that is relevent to your business. Don't try to build a mini Yahoo with umpteen different categories. Keep your directory focussed on your site theme. When you first start out you will be inclined to link to anybody in exchange for a link FROM anybody. This is a mistake. Be patient and choose your link partners carefully.

4) Before requesting a link from another site, add that site to your directory. Contact the webmaster and tell them you added their link because you believe their site would be of interest to your visitors (and so it should). Give the url where your link is located and ask for a return link, along with instructions on how you would like your link worded. NEVER demand by saying things like "if you do not link to us we will remove your link".

5) If you have not received a reply after 2 - 3 weeks send a polite follow up. Again, don't demand. No one is under any obligation to link to you. If you do not receive a reply to your second request it means that the webmaster does not want to link to you, or they are simply too busy to respond. In that case, leave it and move on. I receive dozens of link requests a day. Sometimes it takes me many weeks to get around to responding. You'll go mad worrying about links that have not been reciprocated. Your time is better spent.

6) When you receive a link request visit the site and check that it meets with your requirements as set down on your link pages. Is it a quality site with good content or just a "link farm"? If it doesn't meet your requirements don't link to it.

The webmaster SHOULD have already linked to your site but be prepared to overlook that breech of linking protocol if it's from a good quality, high PR site.

7) Beware of webmasters who add your site to their "directory" which turns out to nothing but a link farm i.e. has no useful content, just a bunch of links, and asks you to link to an entirely different site, one that HAS good content. These webmasters are playing you for a sucker. The benefit is all theirs.

8) As I said in point #1, links from high PR pages are worth more than links from low or no PR pages. Seek out high PR linking partners but keep in mind it is the PR of the actual page your link is on that matters, NOT the PR of the home page. In other words if the home page PR is 5, but the page your link is on is several layers deep in the directory, it will probably have a PR of 0 and be of little benefit to you. Check the PR of the actual page your link is on, or is going to be on, before agreeing to exchange links.

Each page on your links directory should be no more than one click away from your home page, and your linking partner's site should be the same. If your link is placed on a page which looks something like this - directory/category/subcategory/subcategory with your link - you will derive NO value from that link.

9) Be prepared to negotiate your links. Savvy webmasters understand the value of links from high PR pages. If you add a link to a PR-0 page on your site don't expect your link partner to put your link on a PR-6 page, and your link partner shouldn't expect the same from you. Exchange value for like value.

When you first start out your site may not have any PR due to a lack of incoming links. This reduces your bargaining power. However, you can overcome this by getting your site listed in as many large business directories as possible. Some of these you will have to pay, such as Yahoo and Microsoft's Business Directory, but many others are free. You'll find a good list here:

10) Be specific about how you want your link partner to link to you. It is MOST important that the link to you contain your targeted keywords in the anchor (linked) text. When I ask for a link to my site I don't want the link title to be:

Steve Pronger Web Business Solutions

Instead, I ask for:

Website Designer Australia

or whichever keywords I am targeting at the time.

11) And finally, here is an excellent resource to help you find quality link partners. It's called Value Exchange, and will put you in contact with like-minded webmasters:

Steve Pronger is a website designer and affiliate marketer helping small businesses achieve success on the Web. Visit his Web Business Solutions site at

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article writers cannot be more in-demand these days. With millions of webmasters constantly seeking for articles that they can use in their article marketing campaigns, they can indeed keep millions of article writers busy for a while. With it's proven ability to generate traffic and communicate the webmaster's knowledge and abilities, article marketing is fast becoming the most sought-after traffic-generating tool.

Here are the latest 3 persuasive steps to excel in article marketing:

1. Determine the use of your articles. Article marketing isn't just about submitting your articles to publishing sites. It also pertains to the distribution of your written materials in the internet using other different avenues. Thus, in writing your articles, you have to determine its usage. Are you going post them on publishing sites, on your blogs, on your website or perhaps you'll send them through e-mail marketing. In doing so, you can effectively plan the elements that you will incorporate and other add-ons that you will strike out. You would not want to use your articles with resource box on your own website, do you?

2. Be specific. Explain your ideas by giving concrete examples and specific information. For instance, if you would like to teach your readers on how to make money online, cite specific methods like blogging, article writing, and affiliate marketing, instead of telling them to google search certain terms to get the information they want. If you already have the information, why not just give it upfront? It will not only help your readers but it can also be your effective way of getting your potential audience's trust.

3. Be original. Don't be just another writer. Be different by exhibiting a new level of creativeness in your articles. Develop unique methods that can easily be associated with you so you can make a huge mark online.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

It's no secret that the internet is the perfect environment for making money. In fact a huge amount of people either make their living online nowadays, or make a significant side income online. This likely isn't going to slow down by the way, with the internet still growing by leaps and bounds, and people are on the internet for one of two reasons: either to get information or to be entertained.

If you can give them both then you're golden to be honest.

The thing is though that most people are very much in the dark about how to make money online. You have no clue where to start and how to do those things even if you were to start. Right now I'm going to give you my opinion in this Millionaire League review because many people are turning to this product for their information, but is it really worth it?

There is a term in marketing and internet marketing called multiple streams of income. You may or may not have heard of this before. It's exactly what the name implies...making an income from multiple techniques, and having money coming in consistently from multiple places.

Now this is all well and good, but the fact is that if you go in a million directions at once and try to make multiple streams of income right from the start, you'll likely get nowhere fast. This is because you need to, if not master, at least get a strong grasp on one technique at a time, and make that technique profitable before moving onto the next thing.

At the Millionaire League website, the tone seems to be around your ability to create multiple streams of income, and that's all well and good but you certainly don't want to spread yourself too thin right?

Well that's what I was really surprised about once I got inside the membership area frankly. Sure, Brian Wynn, the sites creator shows you many different ways of making money from the internet, but he does it in a way that seems to be very effective.

Here's why.

Within the The Millionaire League membership site (which by the way is not a monthly membership but rather you pay one small fee and stay a member for life with free monthly updates), you get over 30 mini-Ebooks that go over many different proven internet marketing techniques step-by-step, spelling them out so that you can grasp them one by one. This is in stark contrast to what I thought the membership area would be. I figured it would be one huge overwhelming ebook that does nothing more than confuse the reader. Not even close.

This allows you to understand each concept, put it into practice, make it profitable, and then only if you want to move onto the next.

The truth is that I know of many online marketers who use only one or two methods ever and still make a substantial income. This is your choice!

I like the fact that there are monthly updates, there are videos, other members testimonials and case studies for you to follow along with, an active forum so you can pick others brains who are having success, as well as very strong 24/7 support, in which Brian Wynn gets back to your questions very quickly.

At first glance I thought that this was basic stuff that I already knew, and if I'm honest a lot of it was, but after going through the material in The Millionaire League I did learn a few things myself, and wish that I had found a resource like this when I had first started because it would have literally saved me probably years of time that it took me to start making money online.

Don't let the lack of proven techniques hold you back any longer from making money online. Blow past the competition fast with The Millionaire League starting now!

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Marketers prefer article marketing over other promotional tools because of numerous reasons; it is hassle-free, cost-effective, and it delivers! It is currently the best internet tool in augmenting your website's traffic, establishing yourself as a key person on your chosen niche, and improving your page ranking.

Here are the 4 responsive methods to accelerate your article marketing:

1. Articles. Your articles are the key factors in this marketing campaign. You need to make sure that they are well-written, optimized, content-rich, informative, short, direct to the point, interesting to read, and relevant to your target niche. By doing so, you are increasing the chances of your articles being read, picked up, and republished by other online users. This can lead to numerous inbound links for your website that can improve not only your traffic but also your page ranking.

2. Submission. The other equally important aspect of article marketing is the submission. In order to strengthen your online presence and realized your other marketing goals, you need to consistently submit your articles to publishing sites. In doing so, you need to create an article summary, keywords that you have used on your content, and a powerful resource box.

3. Tracking. You need to monitor the performance of your articles to identify which ones are bringing quality traffic to your website and which ones need revisions. You can simple log on to your accounts on various publishing sites to see your clickthrough rates. Identify the strong points of your performing articles and apply them on your other articles to increase their open rate.

4. Redo the whole process. The success in article marketing cannot be achieved overnight or after a couple of submissions. In order to succeed in this technique you need to continuously write, submit, and monitor the online performance of your articles until you realized your marketing goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

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