Monday, May 26, 2008

Submit Your Articles To Niche Directories For Targeted Web Site Traffic

Article marketing can be time consuming and challenging. Many folks, when using this marketing technique, tend to just write articles and post them to the biggest directories and hope for the best. What I would like to suggest today is a little change in strategy.

Generally speaking, when you are writing an article, you are addressing a certain subject. Let's take golf for example. Now let's say you write an article on golf and at the end of your article you have a resource bio box which directs the customer to a golf site. To a certain point, this article may be successful but let me show you where it falls short.

First, when your article is listed on a big directory, it is there amongst thousands of other articles and as a result, it gets buried pretty quickly as there are thousands of articles coming in every day. Second, because your article is on the general subject of golf, it may fail to address a specific need to a specific targeted audience.

Let's say, on the other hand, your article talks about the newest driver on the market and basically goes over the pros and cons so as to help the reader make an informed decision before purchasing - then in your bio box you have links going back to a specific page on that driver where you have listings of customer reviews.

Then let's say you submit this article to a smaller article directory that just covers sports and has various categories under golf which enables you to put your article exactly where you need it to be and those who visit this directory can specifically seek out an article on golf drivers.

Beyond that, there are not thousand of articles coming in everyday covering a general topic and as a consequence, your article holds its position longer. Additionally, publishers who specifically want to publish articles relative to golf drivers will be able to find and publish your article far easier.

I think you would agree that this article will by and far generate more sales and get published on multiple sites faster than if you were just submitting it to the big general directories. You know when it comes to Internet marketing you have to think outside the box. Don't just follow the herd, get more return on your time by being smart.

When it comes to making sales online you need to be specific and submitting to smaller article directories that are more targeted enables you to reach a specific market and as a result you can address their specific needs. Even when it comes to your article title you can be more specific and as a consequence get more people reading your article. In addition you also expand your market share.

To conclude, niche marketing can make you a lot of money online and that is why if you choose to write articles as a marketing technique you need to submit your article to niche directories which will help you to get targeted readers and get a higher return on your investment of time and money.

Stephen Long is an author for Sportsmans Article Resource Directory, providing you the latest fishing and hunting tips and techniques for the outdoorsman. Learn how article leverage will give you the most article marketing visibility for your articles.

Productive Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Incredible Ways to Improve Your Article Marketing

Content-based marketing solutions like article marketing are dominating the online arena simply because they give online users what they truly need - information. As a result, these solutions are more effective in driving quality traffic to your website and positioning yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

Here are the 6 incredible ways to improve your article marketing:

1. Insert your opinions in your articles. Unlike press release writing, you can actually speak your mind when writing your articles. As an expert on your chosen niche, people online would surely appreciate if you let them know your take on each of the issue that you write about. Since you are very knowledgeable on your chosen field, you are in the position to influence public opinion as long as you make sure that every information you share are factual. This is to avoid misleading your readers.

2. Power up your titles. This is one element that you should seriously consider as it can either make or break your article marketing campaign. When writing your titles, always ask yourself; will this instantly grab the attention of online users? Can it evoke action? It is intriguing?

3. Write a compelling article summary. Along with your titles, your article summary can also be one of your most effective tools in getting online users to open and read your articles. Give your readers the gist of your content and what they can expect to get from it so you can easily persuade them to invest their time on reading your copies.

4. Publish your articles. To boost the number of your backlinks, submit your articles to all leading directories and article submission sites. You may also publish them on your blog, website, or on forums.

5. Make your articles easy to understand. When writing articles for the web, you must understand that the audience you are serving comes from different culture and backgrounds. Some of them don't even use English as their primary language. To easily get your message across to as many online surfers as possible, use simple terms and short sentences. If you need to use highly technical terms, be sure to explain them in lay man's term before you use them on your content.

6. Use keywords. You need to make your articles search engine-friendly so they will be highly searchable online. This can easily be done by identifying the most popular keywords within your target niche and using them all throughout your content.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Discover 4 Brand New Secrets to Amplify Your Article Marketing

In the internet, content is considered the king. That means in order for you to make it big online, you have to give people what they are looking for - information, so they will flock on your website and support your products and services.

Here are the 4 brand new secrets to amplify your article marketing:

1. Consider the rules set by article submission sites. You would want your articles to be accepted and published the first time you submit them, right? This is to save you the time and energy from revising them should they be rejected. Here are some of the publishers' guidelines that you must adhere to in order to eliminate the chances of your articles being rejected: your articles must not contain hyperlinks, blatant advertisements, any form of sales pitches, and inappropriate content such as sex, terrorism, etc. They must also follow the recommended keyword density which is 3% to avoid keyword spamming.

2. Write "10 tips" and "How-to" types of articles. Based on researches, these are currently the most read type of articles over the internet. People prefer them because they are direct to the point and easy to understand. They are also usually short and easy on the eyes.

3. Proofread your articles. Before you make your articles available online, make sure that they are free from any kinds of error that can potentially annoy your readers. It would be better if you can ask someone, perhaps a professional editor to review your content and give you objective feedback about your articles.

4. Compel your readers to act. What would you like your readers to do after reading your articles? Would you want them to visit your website, sign-up for your newsletters, fill up surveys, or make a purchase? Communicate this on your resource box and use powerful words that can easily move your readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Powerful Article Marketing -- The Secrets of a Mighty Article for Marketing

When one talks about marketing tools for a business, it is no doubt that article making is one of the most commendable if not the best commendable one. The powerful capabilities of an article to motivate a prospective client towards considering the buying or the usage of any product that is being marketed or promoted thru articles marketing is just so prevalent. This is the reason why article marketing has always been a useful and functional marketing tool. I have enlisted below some of the secrets most marketers use in their article marketing:

- In every article you make, always create an accurate, concise, and clear writing. Your prospective clients are to be treated as people who do not have the luxury of time to read and digest long and lengthy types of article materials. These people are basically hopping for not one but many and numerous products on the net. As such, they are basically faced by too many articles that they come across. Therefore, if you give them the exact details of your product on a very compacted form, so much the better.

- Always consider how intended recipients may be taking the article when received. This means that when you write any article for marketing reasons, you have to write like a recipient and not as a marketer. In so doing, you will know what your targeted clients expect to see on a marketing portfolio like that of an article.

- Always have your article material checked for possible grammatical errors. The article that you are sending out does not only represent you, as a writer, but most importantly, it represents the company and the product that is being endorsed. Any flaw that targeted clients may notice on the article shall be a point against the product and the company maker.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published eBooks.

Article Marketing - A Unique Concept Of Online Marketing

There are hundreds of methods for web site promotion. However, most of these methods would definitely cost hundreds of dollars. To be successful in the field of electronic commerce, web site promotion is crucial. There are many people who have doubled their profits by promoting their web sites or affiliate programs. For generating more and more traffic for your web site, it is important that you understand the concept of marketing.

Many authors waste their time producing hundreds of articles which do not attract the desired traffic. It is not that those articles are inferior or that they are poorly written. It is just that those authors fail to understand the importance of marketing in the field of writing. This article will throw light on the concept of 'marketing of articles'. I am sure that with proper guidance, you can definitely make your articles salable.

The Internet has become one of the most visited places in the whole world. It has a enormous amount of information about almost anything and everything thank you can think of ! There are three different types of information that can be given over the internet, these there type are video, audio and text. Even tough many people do not read the whole text of all articles they do extract information that is relevant to their search.

Be aware, of course, that web sites which have attracted a better "page-rank" on a search engine will be able to bring in a great deal more casual traffic. The importance of programs such as Search Engine Optimization cannot be understated. "SEO" programs are vital for providing efficient article marketing, so long as your article features the correct keywords.

If you want your article to be popular, you must give it a great title. Do not use "search engine spam techniques." The concept of article marketing is an easy one to understand if you are ready to put in some time and effort.

The internet offers many opportunities to learn various skills for free including the techniques of article marketing. One such aspect of article marketing is the writing of unique articles that offer unique content. Plagiarism is totally taboo of course along with the habit of using obscure words unlikely to be understood by the average reader.

There are hundreds of methods for web site promotion. To be successful in the field of electronic commerce, web site promotion is crucial. There are many people who have doubled their profits by promoting their web sites or affiliate programs. It is important that you understand the concept of marketing. There are many web sites, which teach you the concept of article marketing for free. Writing unique articles is also a smart technique. Make sure that every article you write is free of plagiarism or in other words, it has unique content. Do not use words, which are difficult to understand.

Productive Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Steps to Increase Your Article Marketing

Gone are the days when you have to beg established webmasters just to link with you or spend thousands of dollars popularizing your link through paid placements. Today, you can earn quality inbound links instantly by just writing and posting your articles to publishing sites.

1. Pick topics that will interest your potential clients. Write about topics that will interest your target audience so you can easily increase the chances of your articles being opened and read. Talk about their current problems, possible solutions to their pressing issues, or ground-breaking ideas that can help them acquire new sets of skills. Consistently offer your readers with something that is of real value so they will like you and eventually trust you. These are two of the most important elements so you can easily convince them to do business with you.

2. Create an outline. Some marketers are writing their content based on random ideas that just crossed their minds. This results to poor quality articles that sound like a presentation of random thoughts. Don't let this happen to your articles as this can easily annoy your readers. Make your writing well-guided and highly organized by listing down all the information that you would like to include in your articles even before you tap on your key board. Then, arrange them in a logical manner base on their relevance to your main topic.

3. Register on all major publishing sites. To easily boost the number of your inbound links, identify all the article submission sites that have great page ranking and those that are constantly visited by your target market and other webmasters who are looking for content on their blogs or website. Post your articles to all of these sites so you can give them the exposure they need.

4. Learn how to create killer resource box. To generate more attention and to easily convert your readers to potential clients, strive to make your resource box compelling and truly attention-grabbing. This can easily be done by incorporating your name, your expertise, your desire to help, the problems that you solve, your website's URL, a powerful call to action, and an irresistible elevator pitch. You may also include your most friendly-looking photo to make your resource box more appealing and compelling.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.