Friday, September 12, 2008

Good And Bad Linking Practices

Practices that can be considered 'good' are as follows...

  • Submit your side to reputable directories such as DMOZ and Yahoo directory. The former is free and the latter is paid for. Both are human edited and do not accept sites deemed to be of low standard.
  • Only link exchange with other website which are relevant to your website. Irrelevant link exchanges can be regarded as spam resulting in a lower rating of your website as a whole. You can also link to relevant pages without an exchange. It will not penalise your site or result in 'pagerank leakage' provided that the site that you link to is relevant and does not engage in black hat SEO.
  • Use links within the content of your site that make use of anchor text made up of keywords that you are trying to promote.

The following are practices which are best left avoided with regards to links...

  • When you have a link in the content of your page, avoid the use of images or the text "click here" to represent the link. This is because Google uses the anchor text found in links to help determine the keywords that are best associated with a particular webpage.
  • Keep away from any link farm or link exchange program run by websites that engage in spam or black hat SEO. And do not link to sites which are irrelevant to your website as this will confuse Google's keyword appraisal of your website.
  • Check your site for broken links and fix them as soon as possible. Google webmaster tools automatically warns you of broken links if your site is too large to check manually. There are also a large variety of free link check tools available to use.
  • Do not obfuscate any links on your site as, although difficult to detect, once found out will result in a penalty imposition upon your website. Link obfuscation is as serious as hidden text. This includes using a full stop or period to link to a page or a 1 pixel area image.
  • Do not sell links. As of 2007, the selling of links without nofollow is in breach of Google's webmaster guidelines unless your website is a reputable directory or where the advertising link is declared prominently as such. If you sell links whose purpose is to manipulate rankings then a competitor could report this to Google to ban your site.
  • Do not buy links from websites that exist only to sell links. This is to prevent website owners from buying many links in order to manipulate their rankings.
  • Do not insert keywords excessively. If you are worried that your use of your site's keywords may have been overzealous then there is a wide variety of free keyword density tools that give you the percentage of text used on your site that are keywords. Reduce the number of keywords used if it exceeds 30%.

Effective Tips For Getting Started With Link Building

Link building is a tedious and time consuming process. It requires meticulous planning and investment in terms of loads of hard work and patience. Here are some tips and suggestions to make the job easier for you -

1. Goal setting: Define your goals first. Aim at obtaining non-reciprocal one way links to your website from relevant, good quality high ranking contextual authority sites related to your niche. A couple of such highly relevant links can heave your site high up in the search page rankings.

2. Prepare a list of all the places from where you can obtain links: Make a note of all the sources from where you can harness quality one-way links relevant to your site. Consider some of the most commonly used options such as article submissions, directory submission, press releases, book marking, relevant forum postings, news announcements, press releases, getting listed in directories, requesting backlinks from other webmasters, link baiting, etc.

3. Prepare a content plan for your site: People will not want to link to your website unless it offers them something original, useful and unique (relating to your niche). You could also consider planning for content syndication, content exchange and affiliate programs.

4. Offer free resources for access: People might also consider linking to your site if you offer them some kinds of useful resources including free access tools or promotions, such as downloadable e-books, online newsletters, freely accessible original articles that can be viewed online, FAQ's, fact sheets, etc. You can also consider offering them freely downloadable software tools to win their links.

5. Consider going for social media campaigning: A well structured social media campaign can bring loads of backlinks flooding in to your website. Aim for linking to high quality links, including links from traditional media sites but for this, you would need to modify your content and make it more theme-based and audience friendly, considering that you are targeting social media sites.

6. Aim for sustainable link building: If you slog hard to reach the top page ranking but then discontinue your efforts, then your site is doomed to lose ranking. Therefore, your optimization and link building efforts should be carried out on a sustained basis.

But, if you are not too confident because your search engine optimization and link building knowledge is limited, then you can simply look for a reliable link building service such as LinkVana, which will be able to provide you with loads of relevant high quality one-way links and save you a lot of time, energy and money on your link building campaigns. Just refer to any LinkVana review and notice how thousands of happy and satisfied customers have benefited from the large number of genuinely good, relevant non-reciprocal backlinks for their website.

Finding link building a REAL headache? Let the Linkvana link building service do the work for you. You can't go wrong with high-quality one-way links!

Search Engine Optimization Services Specialist Discusses Press Releases In SEO Part 24

You can now take the link of the press release that you have just submitted and place it on the content of any of your previous or future blog, forums, press release and article posts. This creates a back link pointing to your website on each occasion when you place a new link on respective content. This is an important search engine optimization technique. You can also place these links on your web pages. If you write and submit many press releases to certain press release companies, most of them have a service where they will create your own personal link that houses all the press releases that you have written in the past in and in the future. You could term this as your own personal press release room. This personal pressroom link of yours is great spider food.

Place this link again on many of your past and future content submissions and you will excite the search engine spiders to index your information and improve your search engine rankings. This is a very powerful search engine optimization technique to remember and apply to your SEO work. So this shows you one of the great advantages of writing many press releases for a specific press release company. You need to work consistently every day to produce this type of effective search engine optimization result. There are no SEO shortcuts as effective and successful SEO does not happen over night.

As a search engine optimization services specialist you definitely need to move past your fear of writing. As mentioned before you will be writing for the search engine spiders or put in another way, it would be search engine spider writing. That is what you are doing as an SEO specialist with your content writing. You are building quality links called back links that point back to your website. This is what the search engine spiders' love and will get you to the first page of the search engines quickly.

A press release is written in 'third person' only, while most other content submissions like blogs, articles and forum posts are written in an informative and 'present' manner. The difference between a press release and a blog is that a blog is very personal. In your blog you can say anything about anything that you choose. Whereas a press release is announcing what you have to offer or to announce your business opportunity to the internet word and respective internet marketing entrepreneurs.

Clyde Thorburn
Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist
Johannesburg South Africa
Landline: 2711 432 2225
Skype ID: clydethorburn
Yahoo IM: crthorburn

SEO Techniques - Creating Good Quality Links For Your Web Site

In the art of optimizing a Web site and enhancing rankings as well as site popularity, link building is one good online marketing tool, as a Web site's popularity is often measured by search engines by calculating how many links are pointing towards its direction. Getting good, powerful links from established and popular Web sites can help your site rise to the top of search engines without wasting too much time waiting.

How To Create Good Links

One good way of getting good links is to start your own blog, or Web log. Blogs are a wonderful of recruiting links. Although, you need to be extra careful though, as you need to keep the commerciality low and ensure that you learn how to use tags. You could also as other visitors to your site to link to you as well. And while you entice them, you need keep it reasonable, and do not flood them with "link to us" message, and make it easier if they want to give you a link.

Another good way of getting better links, is to submit to good or established directories. You could choose from long-standing directories like Yahoo or Open directory Project , and submit your listings to them. Lastly, one good method that's also relevant is to also ask for links from other sites, and in doing so, you should first make a list of Web sites that you would like links from, and you should learn to keep them truly relevant to your business. You could contact one site and show them why linking to your site would be also good for their visitors as well.

One-Way Link Building Also Helps

The process of building one-way links from other Web sites that have a page rank worth 3 or more could also be helpful for you to get attention quickly from search engines. These links are also worth paying for, and serve two main purposes. Apart from being just a link, it also serves as an effective advertisement of your Web site. Another good method is to create reciprocal links , however these links tend to be less potent because these links are placed in a separate links page, which many not have a higher page rank.

Verify Which Appropriate Keywords Are Suitable For Your Site

Another good method of getting good links, is by identifying a set of keywords that are very much suitable for your Website, and matches the content you have in your Website. These keywords are a vital aspect, and need to be related to your type of business. Building a Web site link is seen as an art, look at how different websites pre pare their links with different set of keywords.

These links should be of great help your Web site get much-needed exposure to a wider segment of prospective buyers of your products or services, who generally use search engines to find your Web site. Getting relevant links from other Web sites serves as the foundation of any decent ranking in the search engines. Finding those links, however, can be a tough task sometimes. - 7 SEO

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company