Sunday, May 25, 2008

Basic Onsite and Offsite SEO Tips

Search Engine Optimization is broken down into two segments. Aspects of onsite changes to make your site more spider friendly and Offsite keyword text backlinking.

From an on site SEO perspective, consistency and placement of your keywords are important. Spider read a page top to bottom left to right. Therefore your major keywords should be consistent from your Meta tags all the way down to your footer page. Consistency in Syntax as well a prominence. Interlinking your site with keyword text links not only helps navigation of your site but it improves your keyword density.

There is much discussion in regard to the keyword density as to what is considered a non spam factor. Each page should have about 350-500 words per page with a keyword density of no more than 7-10%. Keyword density is also considered in your graphic alt text as well as hyperlinks.

Generally speaking, if your keyword looks stuffed, it is.

Basic On site SEO Factors:

Title Tag ( with Keyword)
Meta Description ( Consistent with Title Tag)
Meta Keywords ( Consistent with Title tag and Description)
H1 Tags ( with Keyword)
Graphic Alt Text ( with Keyword)
Keyword Hyperlinks
Keyword Density in body text
Keyword in Menu Links
Footer Page with Keyword Text Links

Off site linking is generally though of as the most effective way to raise in the search engine rankings. However if your on site SEO is not complete you are battling an up hill battle.

When planning your off site linking strategy you need to keep in mind that reciprocal links are considered devalued through the latest round of algorithm updates. Textual Keyword Rich links from various C-block IP address are the best links possible.

There are many ways to receive quality links.

Some of the top linking strategies to receive quality links come from the following venues:

Article Submissions
SEO Friendly directories
Press Releases

Growing your links in a consistent manor is also relevant. Creating 1000s of links in a short period of time could set up red flags. You will receive many links via RSS Feeds from the sources described above and be successful in your linking campaign.

Getting Search Engine rankings can take time depending on your keywords, but consistency and effort both on site and off site will bring you the desired results.

About the Author:

Eric is a Business Analyst and Consultant. Co-owner of and SEO Richmond Virginia.

Easy To Implement Techniques That Will Help You To Effortlessly Generate Cash From Articles

One of the biggest mistakes that I see many marketers make is that they do not develop their own products. This is a key ingredient to being successful with article marketing.

Now affiliate marketing is good, but if you have your own product you will be earning a hundred percent commission and this will make a very big difference to your bottom line. Sometimes this could be the difference between success and failure.

The most daunting part of creating your own product is that it requires a lot of work. Most people cannot write a 50 page ebook in one go. What has worked very well for me is to write articles. I submit them to the major article directories with a link to my bio in my resource box. Now this serves as two purposes. The first is to build a list of targeted leads that I can sell to later on. The second is to write my ebook slowly over time.

Later on I will gather all my articles together over time and piece them together filling in all the incompleted parts to form a comprehensive ebook. Now this takes a lot less time than writing the ebook from scratch.

Finally, to improve your conversion I suggest that yo do the following. Create a light version of your ebook for the reader to download. This will allow them to sample it without any pressure to buy. This will substantially improve your conversion. Also come up with a winning autoresponder sequence to follow up with your leads. This is a neglected aspect by many many marketers. The fortune is in the follow up.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

How To Write An Effective Article Title For Top Search Rankings

Article marketing is one of the most effective Internet marketing strategies that you can implement for massive free targeted web traffic. So much is written on the importance of good article content. While this is true, the importance of writing effective article titles is greatly overlooked.

One of the most important factors in achieving a high ranking in the search engines is developing a good article title. The search engines take great consideration as to what text is written in the title link. Just like when you optimize your web pages on your website, articles work in the same manner. There are a few differences however.

When you write your article's title never ever use less than four words in any title. For Example: For illustration, let us say you have a fishing web site and want to promote the keyword phrase "bass fishing." This keyword is extremely competitive and almost impossible to obtain a top 10 ranking on Google. It is a very broad phrase, in which over 8 million sites are listed. The chances of a keyword phrase like this appearing in the top of the search engines with an article would be very slim.

How would you get this keyword phrase to stay at the top of the search engines? Well the answer to this question is we would use adjectives and filler words before and or after the keyword phrase that we are looking to rank.

Let's say you are promoting a site that sells bass fishing lures. If we use a rifle approach rather than a shotgun the search term that your readers are looking for will be more focused. So let's target in this example, "Bass Fishing With Plastic Worms". There are 377,000 sites instead of over 8 million.

The keyword phrase "Bass Fishing" would be way to competitive and you would most likely be wasting your time and energy to get ranked. The second aspect of a "rifle" approach is that your article objective is to get the sale or more traffic. Most anyone that is using a more targeted keyword search rather than a broad search would be more receptive to buy from you.

The reason that you would want to write a title of over 4 words is that you will go right to the top of the Google rankings for that targeted keyword. To be sure, there would not be as many searches for the term "Bass Fishing With Plastic Worms" as opposed to "Bass Fishing". But, you will rank at the top for that keyword rather than being listed on page 38 or something. Additionally, you would also have more focused buyers.

The last benefit of a title of 4 plus words is that in some cases you may also rank for other keywords such as, "Fishing With Plastic Worms", "Fishing With Plastic", or even "Bass Fishing". When your articles are submitted to high quality article directories, the web traffic for your site can grow exponentially.

A good article title will always include your targeted keywords. When you include your targeted keywords throughout a well-written article you will be well on your way to cashing in on a successful marketing campaign of ongoing web traffic.

Learn how article leverage will let you achieve the most article marketing visibility for your articles. Submit your articles TopRank Article Directory to maximize your web traffic.

Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Great Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is a great off-page SEO solution that can help you build quality inbound links for your website without the need to resort to link building campaigns. You just need to write and distribute your articles online to impart your knowledge, gain the trust of your potential clients, and drive them to your website.

Here are the 4 great methods to improve your article marketing:

1. Supercharge your titles. This is the first element that online users will see online. Thus, you need to create a strong impression to compel them to open and read your articles. Make your headlines short, direct to the point, and descriptive of what your article is all about. Employ emotion, logic, exaggeration, and anything that will push your potential clients' buttons. Remember, to be successful in this marketing technique, you need to be desperate for attention.

2. Power up your author's bio. Introduce yourself to online users by giving them sneak peak on what you do, your hobbies, and your willingness to help. Avoid making your short biography a blatant advertisement and just make it personal. This is your first step in building rapport with your readers so they will learn to trust you eventually. Don't forget to include your most friendly-looking picture to make your bio more interesting and visually appealing.

3. Do keyword analysis. Know what keywords are ranking better on search engines and use them on your content. By doing so, you will make your articles highly searchable online.

4. Carefully choose your topics. If you don't know where to get great topic ideas, I highly recommend forums and article submission sites. These can give you great insights on what your potential clients might be looking for on your articles. Just stick to those topics that are relevant to your products so you can attract qualified traffic to your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

The Four Cardinal Sins of Search Engine Optimisation

There is a plethora of sites, blogs and online articles out there on the Web to tell you all the things you should be doing to improve your rankings and performance on the search engines. A lot of the tips and techniques mentioned by these online SEO gurus are useful - but most of the time, they don't tell you what you should not be doing while optimising your site. In this article, Livewire lists the four Cardinal Sins of SEO... commit them, and you could get banned by the Big Three, that is, Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Cardinal Sin One
You have always been told to choose your keywords carefully, and then optimise them across the pages of your website. So far so good. What you should not do is over-optimise keywords and key phrases. Search Engines are more intelligent than you may think - they can spot unnatural concatenations of keywords and phrases. These engines have a clear preference for natural flowing text with the proper density of keywords embedded within them. Google prefers a keyword density of 3 to 5 per cent; Yahoo prefers 7 per cent. Go overboard on keyword density and the Search Engines will punish you for your sin by ignoring you.

Cardinal Sin Two
Don't optimise pages with a very wide number of totally unrelated keywords. When a site contained bunches of diverse, unrelated keywords or phrases, the Search Engines actually get confused - they can't figure out which category to place the site in. Result: they ignore the site. All your SEO-related blood, sweat and tears are wasted!

Cardinal Sin Three
Some people think that a clever way to deceive the Search Engines is by creating duplicate pages across the site. This is big no-no. Instead of better rankings, what will actually happen is that the Search Engines will not index your website. Worse still, your site could be flagged by the Search Engines as Spam. And in extreme cases, the Big Three could end up banning your site.

Cardinal Sin Four
Never, never use hidden text to improve your Search Engine rankings. Hidden text are words that your website visitor can't see, but are placed on the page for Search Engines to read - for example, white text on a white background or black text on a black background. This is outright unethical, and the Search Engines abhor such dirty tricks. The punishment for this sin is clear - in all probability, you will be banned by the Big Three.


Inspired Marketing Strategies for Un-ordinary Times

Great marketing campaigns begin with great ideas. You cannot simply follow the crowd anymore, capitalizing on what has worked for others. These are not ordinary times.

Today's economic and cultural climate calls for extraordinary and imaginative marketing strategies, coupled with targeted publicity campaigns. There are so many media possibilities now that the skilled advertising and PR practitioner must also be skilled in media research and placement.

Here in Sedona, Arizona, for example, basically a small town with a population of about 17,000 in its "metro" area, the tourist component creates special challenges for the marketing/PR professional. The town's chamber of commerce estimates that more than four million visitors pass through the famous Red Rock Country annually.

To serve this huge tourist market, there are endless media possibilities. There is the town's major newspaper, a twice-weekly full-size organ loaded with local ads; there is a weekly arts and entertainment tabloid, and a monthly newspaper. There are three magazines serving the town, one a monthly, one a bi-monthly, the other a quarterly; two tourist-oriented TV stations on cable; several radio stations in the area; a tourist-oriented website which now offers "podcasting" to local advertisers.

Billboards are not allowed in Sedona or in the surrounding area. But several of the top hotels and resorts have guestbooks where you can pay to place your ad or promo piece. You can subscribe to a rack card service which will design and print your rack card and deliver it to receptacles for such items all over town. All that's missing in Sedona is renting spaces on red rocks for your advertisement.

Getting your press release in the local media calls for a targeted publicity campaign. Writing an effective press release is an art form. First, the release must have some kind of a story angle. To get your story told you must have some kind of a story. It cannot be too hyped up or an obvious promo or the papers won't run it.

Knowing who to send your press release to is the second part of the equation. Do they accept e-mail? Do they like attachments, or do you just send your release in the body of the message? Do they accept photos? What format? How long should your press release be, and what other details are preferred by the editor?

It is important not to come off as amateurish when sending press releases to the media. The keyword is targeted. Every publication has its own needs and requirements.

Solid, well-timed and well-conceived marketing strategies can rocket you and your business to success. Powerful ad copy, media savvy and effective publicity complete the formula. Madison Avenue ain't what it used to be!

By Marv Lincoln

Look for a company that can create great ideas and inspired marketing strategies: Thunder Mountain Productions for all of your writing, publicity, advertising and marketing needs. Creative Director Marv Lincoln has years of experience in the field, plus a way with words that can rocket you and your business to success. Visit for more information.