Sunday, May 4, 2008

Things To Consider Before You Get Into Bum Marketing

Bum marketing, or to give it its proper name, article marketing is a great way to provide fresh content for both your site and others and to get your name out there and traffic back to your product or service by way of links in your resource box.

There are however some things which you should consider before launching your career as a bum marketer.

1. Focussing on the promotion instead of the information

As we have seen, articles are an excellent method of advertising your product, promoting your "brand" name and getting free traffic back to your site. However the main reason for writing an article should be to give the reader something of value, information which adds to their knowledge or solves their problem. You want the reader to take an interest in what you have to say, enough interest to click on the link in your resource box in order to find out what else you have to say or offer. If you submit your articles to reputable article directories and forums, diligent editors and forum moderators will soon detect if you are just doing a blatant promotion and will delete your article.

2. Not recognising the full advertising promotion aspects of your article

By now you know that you can generate traffic by means of the links in your resource box, but that is only one part of the promotional potential of articles. If your article is good enough, it will be picked up by other site owners, as they continually need fresh content for their sites or blogs. Google loves sites which are continually being updated, but it's just too big a job to maintain an ever changing site or blog Owners need fillers for their sites, and if they feel that your article will be useful to their readers they will use it themselves, and of course they must leave your resource box intact. Depending on the size of their readership, this could greatly increase your exposure.

Another promotional aspect to consider is the use of strategic keyword placement. If this is done correctly, your article will be picked up by the search engines and occupy a prime position on their results page for that particular keyword or phrase. Just remember not to overdo it, or your article will appear stilted, and will not read well. Try scattering other keyword phrases throughout your article, again making sure that they fit in with the other sentences and do not stand out as "keyword stuffing".

3. Publishing articles which are of no use, too specific or poorly written

Article directories will generally not accept your work automatically. They will check that it follows their guidelines, that it has some informational merit, and contains good grammar and spelling. There should be no excuse for the last two, which will be highlighted in your word processor as you type.

If you write an article that no one else is interested in, you will probably not get anyone clicking on your link, and all your effort has been a waste of time. Remember that article directories cater to a general audience, so don't make your article too specific, or it won't get picked up by other site owners. By all means write about poodles instead of just dogs, because while poodles is a specific breed of dog and appeals to a large body of dog lovers, it's not that specific that people who like other breeds won't read it. On the other hand, don't write about your latest discovery in the world of nuclear physics - the general public are just not interested. Those articles should be submitted to the highly specialised academic magazines. Get to know the difference between the two, get your topics appealing to a large audience, and you should start seeing some financial return for your bum marketing efforts.

About the author Peter Phillips is an accountant and writer living in Canberra, Australia

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Article Marketing - How To Write A Good Article

Article marketing is not about writing excellent articles. It's about writing good articles. Articles that will intrigue your reader and give them valuable information. This is the art of article marketing. You need to learn that your articles don't have to be works of art in order to become successful.

If you want to write a good article, just stop thinking. Write. Just write. Don't stop and think. Just write. The more that you write, the better you'll become. That's all there is to writing a good article. Don't listen to all the hype telling you how to write your article step by step. This is a waste of time! Just start writing. Your not going to get any better reading a bunch of ebooks telling you how to create the perfect article. This is rubbish! Articles are not suppose to be perfect!

Your article should be made with you own technique. When people read your article, they're not reading about what they're looking for, they're reading about you. If they like you, they'll keep reading and they'll trust you. If they see that your just a machine spitting out information, they won't come to you. They have to know that your human and that you have a personality. This personality shows in your writing. When you write, your hands write what's in your soul and you write your passion into your articles. This is how the real article marketers make their money. They create an article that is unique and their own work of art. This makes the article good.

So if you want to make a good article, just start writing. Start writing and soon you'll catch onto your writing technique. This technique will bring you to success.

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Targeted Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Simple Methods to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is undoubtedly the best traffic generation strategy in the internet today that can bring you enormous traffic, improved sales potential, strong online presence, and higher page ranking. In addition, it is also the best method if you are aiming at getting more and more traffic in the long run. How? Once you submit article to publishing sites, it stays for a long period of time. And since each submission grants you one quality inbound link, imagine how much links you can accumulate within a year of constant submission.

Here are the 4 simple methods to grow your article marketing:

1. More articles equal to more traffic. If you would like to excel in this field, you must be driven enough to write 5-10 articles per day. Just remember, the more effort you exert on this technique, the more traffic will be diverted to your website.

2. Use different landing pages for your resource box links. You can drive your readers to your home page or to particular page on your website where they can directly find the information that you are promoting on your articles.

3. Use appropriate keyword tags for your articles. This will help your copies fare well on search page results when interested online users searched for your keywords or keyphrases.

4. Stick to "top 10" format. If you are trying to increase the number of your articles so you can better augment your traffic, pick the "top 10 format". These type of articles are easy to write as you will only need to write brief introduction and list the ideas that you have on mind. Also, since these types of articles appeal to great number of online users, you can be assured of higher clickthrough rate.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing And List Building - How to Combine Them

Article Marketing And List Building How to Combine Them

Two of the most effective methods of building an online business are article marketing and list building.

Use article marketing to drive traffic, and use list building to leverage your traffic for as long as you have a list.

It really is that simple.

You simply write articles, submit them to the various online article directories, then send the traffic from the articles to your squeeze page (you list building page).

The article writing and submission (article marketing) creates the first effort traffic.

Then the list building creates second effort traffic.

Second effort traffic? Yes, I said that correctly. Second effort traffic. This is all the backend traffic that you get when you send emails out to the original visitors who came to your web site via the article marketing.

This allows you to leverage your traffic in extremely powerful ways.

You see, the article marketing creates the first visitor.

Then that visitor opts into your email list.

Then you send that visitor a series of emails that endears that subscriber to you you build a relationship with that visitor.

Then you send that visitor to your web site againand againand againleveraging your traffic to create many times the amount of traffic your visitor would have created the first time they went to your web site.

This is the power of article marketing and list building. Used together, they can really create a lot of traffic the article marketing first, to the squeeze page, and the list building traffic, to your sales pages.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.

Article Marketing The Easy Way

If you've been involved with internet marketing for a while, you've probably heard of the technique of article marketing or article submissions as an effective way of driving traffic to your web site. It used work like gang busters, and was a pretty much guaranteed way to generate almost insane amounts of highly targeted traffic to your web site. Then when the search engines started using duplicate content filters it pretty much died overnight.

But the good old days are back again. The problem with the old system of submitting articles to article directories was that whether you performed the process manually, or used automated systems and software to do it for you, each article directory got the same copy of the article. So you literally had hundreds of copies of the exact same article all over the internet.

When people first started using this method, all those copies of your article counted as a unique backlink to your site - and the more backlinks your site had, the better it faired in the search engine results pages (SERPs) - and better rankings meant more free traffic.

Up until recently, this technique was working extremely well, but it's now becoming less and less effective since the search engines started filtering out duplicate content. What this means is that each time the search engine finds a new copy of your article on one of the many hundreds of article directories online, they will simply ignore it as they are already aware of that article and are only logging the first version they find.

So what we really need now is an article submission system where we can upload a new article, and have that system submit a totally unique copy of that article to each and every article directory it submits to. But what we don't want is for the submission system to create unreadable crappy content for our article - it needs to be just as good as our original.

If that software could also submit our article to several hundred different article directories as well then, and use a different version of our resource box on each article (which would allow us to vary our anchor texts) that would really be the icing on the cake.

Well, the good news is that there is such a system now available. It has only recently been released as an answer to the duplicate content filters the search engines are now using, and it does everything we wanted above plus a whole load more besides. There's no "underhand" techniques involved which would go against search engines terms of service. I've tested it out for the last few weeks and to be quite honest it's way over delivered on all my expectations except one - and that is that the owners web site doesn't really do it justice - it's way more powerful than he lets on.

I have posted a more in depth review of the software on my website called Unique Content Article Marketing which explains in greater detail how it works.

Mike freely shares his tips and techniques for making money online as a super affiliate. Learn how to make money using the latest automated article submission software and get access to the latest internet affiliate marketing tips

Productive Article Marketing - Latest 6 Comprehensive Methods to Grow Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is undoubtedly the most sought-after marketing tool in the internet today. Marketers simply love it because aside from the fact that it delivers great results it's also for free.

Here are the latest 6 comprehensive methods to grow your article marketing:

1. Write to inform and not to impress. People read articles because they would like to be equipped with valuable information that they will find useful and valuable to their lives. They would like the articles to be written in such a way that they would be easily understood. So, forget your love for big words and avoid presenting your information in an encyclopedia format.

2. Take advantage of major publishing sites. To give your articles the exposure they need, register to all leading article submission sites in the internet today. Check their page ranking and the kind of traffic they attract as these are two elements that can help you advance your article marketing strategies. Don't waste your time on publishing sites that have few members or newly constructed.

3. Never leave any stone unturned. By this, I mean strive to give your readers complete information so they would better understand your topic. You can do this through thorough research and brainstorming.

4. Don't advertise on your articles. Focus on giving your readers the information that they need. This is the surest way to convince them to check on your resource box.

5. Use striking resource box. To effectively convince your readers to check on your website, you need to make sure that your resource box is compelling and attention-grabbing. Communicate what you can offer or provide incentives to every person who checks on your website.

6. Keep your articles short. Avoid beating around the bush and present your information upfront.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.