Search Engine Optimization Services Specialist Discusses Press Releases In SEO Part 24
You can now take the link of the press release that you have just submitted and place it on the content of any of your previous or future blog, forums, press release and article posts. This creates a back link pointing to your website on each occasion when you place a new link on respective content. This is an important search engine optimization technique. You can also place these links on your web pages. If you write and submit many press releases to certain press release companies, most of them have a service where they will create your own personal link that houses all the press releases that you have written in the past in and in the future. You could term this as your own personal press release room. This personal pressroom link of yours is great spider food.
Place this link again on many of your past and future content submissions and you will excite the search engine spiders to index your information and improve your search engine rankings. This is a very powerful search engine optimization technique to remember and apply to your SEO work. So this shows you one of the great advantages of writing many press releases for a specific press release company. You need to work consistently every day to produce this type of effective search engine optimization result. There are no SEO shortcuts as effective and successful SEO does not happen over night.
As a search engine optimization services specialist you definitely need to move past your fear of writing. As mentioned before you will be writing for the search engine spiders or put in another way, it would be search engine spider writing. That is what you are doing as an SEO specialist with your content writing. You are building quality links called back links that point back to your website. This is what the search engine spiders' love and will get you to the first page of the search engines quickly.
A press release is written in 'third person' only, while most other content submissions like blogs, articles and forum posts are written in an informative and 'present' manner. The difference between a press release and a blog is that a blog is very personal. In your blog you can say anything about anything that you choose. Whereas a press release is announcing what you have to offer or to announce your business opportunity to the internet word and respective internet marketing entrepreneurs.
Clyde Thorburn
Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist
Johannesburg South Africa
Landline: 2711 432 2225
Skype ID: clydethorburn
Yahoo IM: crthorburn
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