Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Quality articles that are written and targeted for a niche market are in serious demand. Content is king on the internet as publishers seek valuable content to add to their web sites so that they offer their visitors value. By providing valuable content you will be able to draw visitors to your web site and gain leads that will convert up to ten times better than leads from other sources. You also get this free traffic without spending a dime on advertising. Below I list three valuable techniques that you can use to promote your articles.

Article Promotion Tip 1
Submit to high quality article directories and announcement lists. By doing this your articles will be spidered by the search engines and show up for keywords that you target. Publishers will also pick up your articles and publish them to their web sites improving your link popularity and consequently your search engine traffic. Make sure that you anchor your target keywords in your bio to improve your search engine rankings for those specific keywords.

Article Promotion Tip 2
Use syndication to distribute your articles. Once a web site publisher decides to accept your content it will be automatically published to their web site once you syndicate it. This makes the article distribution process effortless. However, the big disadvantage of this method is that it can become complicated to setup.

Article Promotion Tip 3
Distribute your articles using RSS. RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication. You need to register your RSS file with news aggregator sites that are interested in accepting your feed.

Using these three methods of article promotion you can gain free targeted traffic for your internet business.

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site:

Download your free ebook Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Requesting Links

Ahoy everyone! Here is my secret out to build a quality link exchange program for your site. Lets get straight to the point shall we?

Remember: Not every link you request requires giving a link back. Sometimes it is cheaper and more efficient to just to go target higher quality links. Sometimes you can just request a link and get it by being personal and empathetic. Other times links may require payment ( I personally never buy links cause I personally feel it is not really necessary for my niche and I have enough unique and quality contents in my site's portfolio).

Be Personal

The best way to go about acquiring links is to be as personal about it as you can. Look around their website and try to find personal information. The more you find, the better you are.

When e-mailing them, try to submit it to the person who runs the site, not a general info submission. If you can state where your link should go on their site and how it would improve their user experience, you stand a good chance of getting a link.

Off-topic, somewhat personal statements showing you share similar interests may make you seem more human and more connected with them and will make it easier to get links. For instance, if you found out that I like peanut butter, somehow mentioning that or joking about it in the e-mail will make me far more likely to link to your site.

Proper Link Request Buy Line

Another good idea is to make the buy line of the e-mail appear as a suggestion. If I see the subject line of the e-mail as "SEO Book website suggestion," odds are that I am going to open it. Feedback is a fundamental part of any successful business so I have to open it.

I like using the word suggestion versus feedback. If you use feedback, they may feel like you are tricking them. If you use the word suggestion, they are highly inclined to open the e-mail. Remember, getting someone to open the e-mail is half of the battle.

E-mail to Use

When building links, you are more likely to have a higher close rate if you use an e-mail address with the same domain name with the site for which you are building links. Hotmail and Yahoo! mail type accounts probably do not close as well.

Some people also send their link requests as though they are cute females.

Scouting Out Potential Link Sources

A good way to find candidates for links is to use the Yahoo! link search. Do a search on Google to find your top few competitors. Go down the list and perform a backward link check on Yahoo! for each of them. See the sites that link to them and see if you can get links from those same sites.

Also, look at the categories those sites are in and use the Google directory to get the best sites from those categories to link to you. (Once again, to do a backwards link check of a competitor's website, go to Yahoo!'s search box and type "link:http://www.evilcompetitor.com.")

The Cost of Links

Some people are afraid of certain links because they think those links cost too much money. An expensive link can also be a good deal though.

If a link is expensive, or if the cost of obtaining it is a significant amount of effort, money, a long wait, or the approval from a webmaster who is a stickler for quality, it means those links are not going to be easy to get. People who create $5 sites hoping to double their money will not usually be acquiring links that take hundreds of dollars or many hours to get.

As people continue to abuse lower quality links the high-quality links will only count more.

Finding Niche Link Sources

You can do a search for " + directory," " + add URL," " + submit site"...any of them. Start thinking of ideas like that and finding sources of inbound links should be no problem. You can search across multiple search engines and even search for various file extensions.

If you have a resource about the ASP language, it may be a good idea to search for ASP file types.

If you have a golf site with a Flash game on it, try to get golf links, but also see if there are some game sites or Flash sites that might be willing to link to your site.

If you have a beautiful site design or an XHTML and CSS compliant design, try to list your site on sites about beautiful web design.

If you are a site designer, consider creating free open source site designs and promoting them on OSWD.org.

Let the Link Sources Come to You

If you know how to create and format truly remarkable information then you might be able to gain a top ranking by

  • Creating great content
  • Buying AdWords ads for related keywords
  • Letting bloggers and the media find your content via the AdWords ad
  • Watch them write about you, and see your rankings improve as you build links.

If you buy AdSense ads, you can run Google's position placement report to find where Google was syndicating your ad to. Webmasters who own these related pages might be willing to sell you links if you contact them.

Affiliate Program Links

Most affiliate programs redirect your links through third-party websites that prevent the link from parsing link popularity.

In addition, many other websites use query strings on the links. These typically will not parse PageRank to the destination page. A query string is something like "?affil=34565" at the end of the link. This identifies the affiliate for tracking purposes.

Even if affiliate programs do not provide static text links, they still help raise your brand awareness and build trust in the eyes of your prospective customers. A well-run affiliate program can also mean that some of your affiliates are crowding some of your competitors out of the search results.

Problems With SEO-Friendly Affiliate Programs (How They Can Hurt Affiliates, But Help Merchants)

If you build enough link popularity pointing to an affiliate page, it can outrank the regular version of the document. But if many good affiliates are promoting a product and those pages link back to the home page of the site they are promoting, then you can end up pushing a ton of PageRank to the home page of the merchant site. That PageRank can filter down to the regular (or non-affiliate) version of the page, which may eventually outrank all the affiliates.

You Do Not Need T

Ishtiaq Saddam
Theme Designer

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article writing and marketing is the fastest way to promote yourself and your business online. There are other ways that work well, but nothing is as fast and easy if you want to position yourself as an expert online. Here are the 7 reasons why article writing and marketing is the best way to let people know who you are and what you do.

  1. Article writing is free. All it takes is your time to write the article and it is ready to submit to the article directories.
  2. Articles work for you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 (or 366) days a year, all around the world. It is like having little sales agents running all over the planet, making sure that those who are interested will find you.
  3. More and more people are signing up for internet access every day. There are currently over one billion people online.
  4. You can market products for others with your articles until you have your own products and services. This way you can earn money from the very first article you write.
  5. Being an author makes you an authority in many people's eyes. This alone is worth writing articles. Many doors will open for you that were previously not available.
  6. You can promote many products and services at once with articles. As your business and interests change, you can write articles on different topics and for new niches.
  7. You can work anywhere in the world if you write articles. As long as you have an internet connection, your business will keep on growing.

These are the 7 best reasons why article writing and marketing is the fastest and easiest way to make money while also making a name for yourself. I encourage you to learn how to do this correctly from the best person in the world to teach you how to do it now.

And now I invite you to download two free article writing templates by visiting http://www.WriteArticlesWithJeffHerring.com and learn how to write and market articles from the leading expert in the world on this subject.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Press releases announce your website quickly and they will usually arrive on the first page of the Google search engine after three to five days (on average). Ezine articles on the other hand are written to support your press release. They take longer to get to the first page of the Google search engine but once they land there, they will stay there for much longer than the press release. This is another important search engine optimisation technique.

The Ezine articles that you write in support of your press releases need to be more personal. Press releases are not personal and are written in third person. From an SEO website marketing point of view, make the content of your Ezine articles more personal. The additional paragraph and subsequently the whole Ezine document, which is the extension of your press release, will be seen by the Google search engine spiders as completely new content. Similarly the extension of your Ezine content into a forum post and your forum post extended into a blog post will also be acceptable to the search engine spiders.

This is another critical search engine optimisation technique. Just by adding a paragraph or two of keyword rich content to your Ezine article will be seen by the search engine spiders as totally unique content. Your press release will also be seen by the search engine spiders as unique content. Similarly adding paragraphs of content to your blogs and forums using your press release as the base is powerful and effective search engine optimisation.

This technique is completely legitimate because you are not copying and pasting content at all. You are giving good relevant original information in your Ezine article, taken from your press release and you are adding additional original relevant and specific content to the end of each forum post and blog post as well.

Clyde Thorburn
Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist
Johannesburg South Africa
Landline: 2711 432 2225
Skype ID: clydethorburn
Yahoo IM: crthorburn

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Any online business that's serious about getting noticed needs to adopt link exchange. It's because this popular marketing tool represents better search engine ranking, more visibility and popularity on the Internet.

What is it all about?

Link exchange basically entails exchanging banners and links with other sites that have associated content. This greatly improves one's chances at getting more site traffic as well as advertising each other's sites. Most of these link exchange programs are available free of cost. Once you find a website which has similar content you can contact the respective webmaster or site owner to request for their link to your site. In this way you can get more and more links to your site.

Targeted traffic

The reason why link exchange is so great is because by linking to relevant sites, you stand better chances at obtaining targeted traffic. This means that the traffic you receive on your site is already partially interested in what you are selling. This means your site can have better chances at selling its products online. By adopting link exchange programs you can in fact increase sales conversions on your site!

Paid or free

Many websites will offer you link exchange programs for an upfront fee. It's mostly because such sites are far more popular than other sites. By having your links on their site or getting access to their links, you stand better chances at gaining more traffic to your website. The ones that offer link exchange free of cost will usually be the less popular ones. However such sites will need to have at least a little bit of information that is similar to your site. It's because popular search engines determine page rankings based on the number of relevant sites you link with. Otherwise you will have to churn out at least a million hits - an impossible task, especially for a small startup company.

Quantity is not the only factor

Most of the popular search engines will determine your page ranking based on the number of inbound or on-way links as compared to the reciprocal or two-way links. Thus your link exchange program needs to focus more on one-way links to gain better page rankings.

Tips to get better results

First and foremost, try to keep the links as short and crisp as possible. Make sure to avoid using capital letters for all the words on the link - it affects readability. As an ethical practice, never delete any link exchange partner from your site, after they have placed your link on their site. When you perform follow-ups with the webmaster, you need to showcase why having your link on their site can be beneficial to them.

If you want to learn more, do not hesitate to visit the link attached. You will definitely be satisfied with what you can get from there.

If you want to know the secrets to great link exchange programs, then we have the answer for you. Now you can afford to spend less and get more! Simply click here for more details: Link Exchange

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Most of us write articles to generate clicks from the links that we place in the resource box. The main purpose of this is to either increase traffic to our websites or to interest readers in a product that we are promoting. But how do we realize these goals?

In order to succeed, there are 3 main tasks you must accomplish:

1) Youve got to attract readers. The only real method to attract viewers is with a compelling title. When people are looking for information on a particular subject, they scan through a list of titles. This list may contain several hundred articles. Your title has to grab them and compel them to read your piece. Your title has to jump out at them and draw them in. If youve written a great article full of fascinating information, no one will read it if it has an uninteresting title. All of your work will have been fruitless. Youve got to grab their attention with an intriguing title.

2) Youve got to have a good article. If your article is not well written, or if it contains little information of value, your readers will quickly click away, and again, your work will have been fruitless. For that reason, it is important to write a great article with good information, and a compelling title.

3) The third ingredient for a successful article is a good resource box. Ideally, the information in your article should be related to the links in your resource box. This is extremely important. If your article is about ice fishing in Alaska and your links refer to vacationing in the tropics, you probably wont generate many clicks. Thats because the people who read the article are interested in ice fishing, not sun bathing. However, if your resource box contained links for a travel agency specializing in Alaskan tours, you would probably generate a lot of clicks. Coordinate the information in your resource box with the content of your article. I use a number of different resource boxes, depending on what I am writing about.

If youve done a good job in each of these three areas, your article will achieve very good readership and your links will generate plenty of traffic. If your article is generating good readership, but you are not getting many clicks, it may mean that you need to work on steps 2 or 3 above.

With some of my best articles, over 17% of the readers have clicked on my links. That is a great percentage! On average though, only about 7%-8% of readers will click on a link.

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