Saturday, June 21, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Website promotion is lifting away from the amateur website builder and fast becoming a system where only the professionals or the very lucky few can build sufficient quality related site links to your site in a quick time. The problem being that people who design websites now have to encompass the ability to produce not just a well optimized site, but a site that will attract good quality links.

For some people link building is a very slow methodical process and it takes a long time to establish your website as an authority on your particular niche. What you need is to be able to find and post to all the relevant websites and blogs that are related to your niche. The ideal situation would be to have a program the works by searching the web for blogs on your subject.

Blogs are everywhere now and some carry a substantial page rank by having a program that collects the information about all the appropriate blogs on your subject by looking in the likes of blogger, yahoo and msn and then you can sort out the required blogs via page rank or relevance and then post to these then that would be exceptional. At the moment there is only one package that I know that provides this exceptional service that is trackback spider. This program allows the user to set up specific keyword databases of blogs and then sort them and then post to them using a posting service. This program is able to provide a good rate of quality back links to your site at a rapid rate.

By providing good links to your site you can quickly establish a keyword and anchor text domination of your niche. This provides you with the ability to generate significant income from being able to dominate a search engine for your niche and then to reap the benefits of a top ranking website. Trackback spider also allows you to post internal links from your website.

By posting your internal links from your site you can effectively encourage the website spiders to come and index all of your web pages quicker. By having all your web pages spidered you are significantly increasing your web presence and traffic. Trackback spider also pings all the blogs it posts to therefore encouraging lots of spiders to all the blogs all over the web that they have been updated and there is fresh content that requires their attention.

Trackback spider allows you to add lots of variations of anchor text and it's these anchor text keywords which will allow you to dominate your niche. By creating lots of good anchor text to your site on high page rank sites produce an uplifting effect on your website traffic. Trackback spider allows you to target either high page rank websites or closely related websites which will become more significant as search engines evolve.

I find that this is one of the most essential tools within the webmasters arsenal and I find that it is an extremely useful for being able to produce good links to my websites and produce good links for my clients that require both SEO and link building. Trackback spider is the key tool in my web strategy and I can only suggest check out it's features and ability to lift your website from the bottom to the top by steady progress of good quality link building and automatic pinging.

2008 Andy Bolton 39 Liverpool,
Hot Air Balloons

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Writing an E-book may seem like a daunting task to many people. You may find that the hardest part is writing the 1st sentence. Once you have started, the writing quite often will just flow.

Let it flow.

Write it just like you think it. Don't worry about spelling or structure at the moment.

Just let it flow.

Before you know it you will have written enough raw content to fill your book a couple of times. Once you edit it and proofread it, you should have enough content for a good E-book.

For network marketing to work online, it has to be very simple for the masses.

If you can write an E-book that introduces, explains, and recruits for you and your team, you will have successfully blended network marketing with internet marketing.

The type of E-book that works best for promoting a network marketing opportunity is a viral E-book. Viral marketing is all the rage these days because it works.

What makes an E-book viral?

  1. It has to be free.
  2. You have to let people give it away for free.
  3. You also let your team re-brand the E-book with their links. This allows them to easily get the word out to their prospect base.

Writing an E-book that contains these elements can put your team into hyper-growth. So long as every person that gets a re-branded copy actually sends it out to their contacts, you will have a never-ending supply of fresh new Dealers coming into your business.

If you write a particularly good E-book, you could generate business from it for many years to come.

Jonathan Hutchinson has written an E-book called "DrinkACT 2008 : We Are Building An International Energy Drink Business - All From The Comfort Of Our Homesl." You are invited to grab a FREE copy at Jonathan Hutchinson Online.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Most successful Internet marketers today agree that having a mailing list is important. Search engine rankings might plummet and pay per click ads may become too expensive to be effective, but your subscribers will always be there. If you have responsive subscribers, you have the power to create money on demand. But is a big list really important?

Well, many marketers say that the quality of the list is more important than the quantity. That is true to a certain extent. If you have a large list but nobody is buying your offers, then your list is not worth much. But if your subscriber base is small and very responsive, it's certainly worth a lot.

But while we are at it, why not build a large subscriber base? Indeed, why not? If you have quality and quantity, isn't that the ideal situation? Having a large and responsive email base of people to mail out to should be the ultimate goal of every online entrepreneur. If you have the ability to funnel in quality leads, then why not generate more of them? You should!

Imagine if you have a leads base of 1,000 subscribers and they are highly responsive. Now, imaging if you have 2,000 leads of the same quality. You would definitely make more money!

So if you want real success in an online business, focus on quality and quantity when building your opt-ins. When you do this, success will not be far away at all! You will be able to generate money pretty much any time you want!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you're looking for a great free advertising source then look no further than article marketing.

Article marketing is the best way you are going to find for free advertising.

Not only is article marketing a great no cost way of promoting a product or service but there's another benefit that shouldn't be over looked.

You also brand yourself as an expert in your field or topic that your article is about.

To make the most out of your article marketing efforts you should make your articles between 250-500 words long.

Fill your articles with great useful content.

Make sure your article is stuffed with a solution to a problem your reader can relate to.

Like the article you are reading right now is giving you the best ways to use article marketing for maximum results.

Don't try to sell anything within the article itself.

You do the selling in your resource box at the end of your article.

Your resource box is nothing more than an eye catching advertisement for your product or service.

You should make your resource box ad compelling enough to make the reader click to your website so you can either sell them a product or collect their name and email address for future follow up.

Once you have your article written, spell checked, and ready to go, you will want to submit it to an article directory.

One of the best directories is

You will want to write and submit at least 1 article per day for the best results when using article marketing.

Download My Free Report: "Simple Little Known Ways To Make Money On The Internet That Work!"

Gary Will Show You Real Ways To Make Money On The Internet That Work, As Well As His Latest Money Making Ideas, And Hot New Information Products.

Get his free report right now!

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you are spending your hard earned advertising funds on traditional mail or email marketing, or if you constantly working to improve your ranking on search engines with costly and time consuming search engine optimization operations, then you need to discover article marketing. Article marketing is HOT, and there is a reason for that. The reason is simply this: article marketing can generate traffic to your website quickly, effectively, and at little or not cost to you. If this sounds attractive, then read on.

How does article marketing work? It is actually incredibly simple. Many websites have developed that simply provide informative articles on specific or various topics to interested readers. Someone has to write these articles, so why not you? If you have an online business, then select a topic that relates to the products and services you provide. Write a few informative or persuasive articles on that topic, and then distribute them. Most websites that publish such articles will post your article at no cost to you (some may even pay you, although this is rare), and will add a brief biography and a link to your home website at the end. Then, when interested readers finish your article, they are drawn to your website.

Not only is this easy and fast, it also draws only traffic that is truly interested in your products and services, not a bunch of people who are only clicking the link to your site in order to try to receive a free iPod. Frankly, article marketing is one of the most efficient methods of online marketing that exists today. If you are missing article marketing, then you are missing out.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Most Search Engine Optimizers understand the importance of the backlinks in order for a website to succeed. Most search engines take into account of the backlinks quality for their ranking algorithm. We will cover the top three search engines (Google, Yahoo and MSN) here and discuss how they treat backlinks from their point of view.

The most popular search engine, Google, places great emphasis on backlinks. In fact, relevant backlinks is all a website needs to achieve a high ranking in Google result page. Google, however, does not shows all the indexed backlinks when user queries with the link: operator. In addition, Google does not update their backlink index as frequent as their search results.

It is believed that multiple backlinks from a same domain does not have the stack effect in Google. For example, links from forum signatures and directories will have minimum weigh in Google's ranking algorithm.

Yahoo, on the other hand, chooses to display all the backlinks to the users. A search with the link: operator often reveals most of a page's backlinks to screen. Although they display most of the backlinks, it does not mean that they value them as much as in Google. Unfortunately, backlinks are not as important as they are in Yahoo than in Google.

Yahoo has introduced a site explorer interface to aid the webmasters in locating the backlinks and other useful information. Yahoo also provides one of the best API for the web masters' usage.

MSN also offers to display all the backlinks to the user with the link: operator query. The backlinks update in MSN also seems to be the most updated among all the three search engines. It may seems that MSN focus a lot on backlinks but this is usually not the case. Backlinks are not as important as keyword domain in MSN's point of view.

In conclusion, Google is the only search engine that put a lot of focus on backlinks in their ranking formula and since they are the most popular search engine, backlinks are important for every website. It is recommended to use Yahoo or MSN to check for backlinks because they show a more complete listing.

KC is a SEO consultant with several years of related experiences. His advice has helped several Webmasters to increase their SERP. KC is the founder of USESEO.COM, a site that offers free SEO techniques. At the same time, he runs the only link investment site on the net, LinkVestor.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

There are several forms of internet marketing which can also be referred to as emarketing or online marketing, to help generate traffic to a website rather it is for a online home business or any major corporation. Such marketing strategies consist of:

l Pay Per Click

l Search Engine Marketing

l Email Marketing

l Affiliate Marketing

Each of these creative method of marketing has its on benefits and down falls. However, in general cases most can bring great success to an online business.

First let's understand what internet marketing truly means- Internet marketing is when one utilize one or all of the tools via to grow and promote their company. These tools are a form of advertisment utilizing the world wide web.

Pay Per Click

The top two major pay per click companies are Yahoo Overture and Google Adwords. Unsuprisingly, Google and Yahoo produce the top levels of pay per click. You can combine the revenue of all other pay per click companies and it still would not compromise Yahoo and Google. This is because they both work with most search engines which gives them better placement. Nevertheless, there are several smaller and maybe less expensive companies that can still get the job done. The only down fall with smaller and less reputable companies is that guaranteed higher rankings within search engines is pretty much not guaranteed. Though, smaller companies are a great starting point for someone with less money to spend on marketing campaigns.

The are a few downfalls with pay per click and the biggest is that not all consumers click on these banner ads. Some may even fine them annoying.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing may be one of the most popular forms of internet marketing. Search Engine Optimization is a sure fire way to get your website noticed in search engines and if your website is search engine ready and friendly there should be know problem reaching the top of every search engine. However, SEM is not to be taken lightly. This is a job for the pro's. For one: it can be an expensive part of your marketing campaign and if the techniques are not implemented correctly not only will your website not be recognized by search engines; but, all your invested money is now down the drain. Make sure to be well educated or hire a professional to handle your SEM/SEO.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing may not be a favorite among most advertiser. Most Email Marketing campaigns may be viewed as spam and not even recognized by its intended target. However, with a great sales pitch and less aggression it can as well be a useful source of internet marketing.

Affiliate Marketing

It is well known that having a web page with sophisticated SEO encryptions will get your page noticed and increase traffic, there is another way as well that has somewhat become a has been.

Affiliate programs are still a great way to get your page noticed. Though now it is playing secondary to Pay Per Clicks which works in a somewhat similar manner. However, there are different types of Affiliate programs some that are free and also work.

Though these few are just an outline of all the many tricks to produce and generate traffic to a online business or any other type of website they are also the marketing strategies that usually cost a pretty penny and a website owner should be fully knowledgeable on how each work in order to make the best of his dollar.

John Elton owns and operates a Best Penny Stocks Picks website to help other investors with their stock decisions. He also operates a Home Based Business earn money online site to help entrepreneurs gain experience and wealth."