Increase Search Engine Click Throughs With Compelling Titles & Descriptions
We're all told that focusing on keyword rich web page titles and descriptions is one of the most important factors to boosting a page's Search Engine Ranking.
Great but don't forget that once you're in the Google 'Hot Top Spot' you want more than an accolade. You want visitors! Let's take a look how writing compelling web page titles & descriptions do more than just boost your pages SEO but increase your profits and success too.
Web Page Titles, Descriptions and SEO
Just a reminder that today's Search Engines use the two meta tags as a very important factor in how high your web page ranks in their listings. Remember that it is vitally important to ensure that you use your web page's most important keyword and the primary secondary keywords in these two tags.
But Naturally!
OK assuming that you fully appreciate the importance of SEO and these tags now it's time to think about their importance when it comes to your human visitors.
Web Page Titles & Descriptions And Search Engine Traffic.
What's the first thing you read when a list of Search Engine Results appear after you've hit 'Search'?
How To Buy A New Sofa
Advice On Buying A New Sofa. Tips & advice on shopping for a new sofa or settee.
Sit On It, Invite a friend to come and shop with you....
Well if you were looking for advice on how to buy a new sofa, you may well have seen something like the search result shown above. Notice how the words 'How To Buy A New Sofa' almost answer the question you asked! Well what do you think the chances are that someone searching for help or advice on buying a new sofa will actually click through.
I reckon pretty high.
The words 'How To Buy A New Sofa' are the title meta tag for this page and so they are used by the search engines to display in this prominent position. If the title had simply said 'Sofa Advice' or perhaps 'Information About Sofas' then you may not get such a good click through. Choose eye catching, interest piquing, descriptive words that compel the searcher to visit.
Make The Description Tag Close the Deal On Whether Or Not To Click.
Again in the above example, the search engines have chosen to use the description tag for their 'teaser' sentence, the two lines that appear below the main search result title. In this example the words 'Tips & Advice on shopping for a new sofa or settee' confirm that this article is of great interest.
But the next line looks interesting 'Sit On It, Invite a friend to come and shop with you....' This line suggest some interesting tips and makes searchers want to see more. Don't resort to boring keyword stuffing... not only will it not improve your SEO but it won't impress your potential visitors.
Web Page Titles - Long Tail Not Short & Sharp
When you learn SEO you are often told frequently to keep your titles short, 3 - 5 words maximum.But how much can you say with such few words. I advise to keep your titles to a maximum of ten words, but use the words to sell your web page.
Add some power words to your title to boost interest.
Abolish, Boost, Generate, Increase, Succeed, Maximize
Power words compel searchers to visit the web page.
Doesn't that make you feel like I was SHOUTING at you?
But why do we find reading words written using CAPITALS,, the same words that might have been written in lower case before, so much like we are being shouted at?
The reason lies in the fact that we don't actually read every letter in every word. When reading we often scan the page. We recognise words by their shape and length.
Otfen we cna raed a cmocpliated snteecen eevn wehn all btu a fwe lrteers aer in teh rhgti plaec.
This is partly because we read by shape as well as by letters. However if all the letters are the same height.
The brain has to work a little bit harder and for this reason we feel that we are being made to concentrate more... not the best thing to do if you want to encourage voluntary visits to your web pages.
I hope that I have convinced you to pay attention to your web pages title and description tags and that you can see just how useful they can be at compelling searchers to become your site visitors.
Happy Writing
Brian Cotsen writes about & reviews the best affiliate handbooks, affiliate program networks and how to succeed in the affiliate marketing business. Read great articles about building and running your own lucrative reseller promotion website.