Friday, June 27, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you happen to browse the Internet looking for something, you immediately go to a search engine site, right? This is where article marketing comes into play. An article marketers aim is to be excellent in writing the articles and be ranked in search engines to sell their products or services. Always remember that not all articles are ranked equally even if their titles are identical. If you have been using the traditional copywriting concept, then its time for you to think about how you could improve your rankings.

Competition on the online market is very widespread and more business owners struggle to get more customers. One of the secrets to successful article marketing is the keyword formulation and of course, the title making. If you want your articles to be included in the search engine results, you should make a title that contains the most vital words. Bear in mind that the first three to five words of your title will determine its probability to be included in search engine results. Therefore, you must be determined enough to formulate a very rich title.

Avoid using irrelevant words on your title. As much as possible, obtain all the possible primary and secondary keywords you can relate to your articles. Put yourself in the readers shoes, does the title appeal to you? Does it present valuable information? Are your key words rich enough? These are just some of the questions you should think about.

Having a keyword research tool will be of great help to you. Some sites give free research tools for you needs. You can also try to look for ways on how to do good keyword research. If you want to make the most out of article marketing, you should also focus on how you will achieve great amounts of traffic by creating smart titles and including the perfect resource box.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Writing articles to market your products and services is one great, cost-effective method. Although there are other equally cost-effective marketing instruments that one can use to promote an idea or a service, article marketing remains to be the top most trusted marketing medium in the internet today. This is the reason why a continued patronage is being extended to it by the majority of the business people. In addition, newer and bolder methods are being developed to further enhance the capacity of this marketing tool to persuade and goad other people. Below are some these methods:

1. Prepare the message that you wish to convey. This is commonly the article that you need to create. You need to make sure that the articles are very well made and crafted. The topics should foster interest and appeal to the targeted readers/clients. In addition, you also need to ensure that they are free from any form of incorrectness and flaws.

2. Choose the article directories where you will have your articles submitted. There are various sites that allow for a free publication of your articles. Since generally of these sites are welcoming the submission and publication for free, all you need to do is to make sure that the articles being submitted for publication pass the standards set forth by these publication sites. Make sure that they are of high quality and do not contain any substandard contents.

3. Monitor how each article submitted and published is playing on the site. Track how these articles are making an impact to your business. Be a proactive player. Make sure that plans are made to combat potential failure on each plan that you have. Although it is advised that you give your articles some time to be able to pick up, make sure that you do not wait too long to take an action when you feel that your copies are of not reaping good results.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Are you looking for a way to create lasting targeted traffic that will convert into sales? Do you want to build a funnel of traffic to your website, blog, or affiliate links? There is one great way to increase website traffic that is easy and free. You can get a website traffic increase with article marketing by following the steps below.

Start with step one, which is to pick your niche. This can be anything you want, but the best choices are always things that you know something about and have a passion for. After you choose your niche you need to figure out what you are going to write about. You should also set a goal for how many articles you are going to write each week.

The second step is to start writing. You should write and submit one article at a time. It is best to start with 2 or 3 of the top article directories (Ezine Articles, Search Warp, and Go Articles), then after you have wrote and submitted a few articles you can take one and submit it all over the web to every single free article directory you can find.

The last step is to write some more. You will never get the increase in website traffic that you are after if you just write a few articles. You need to be submitting new articles on a regular basis. Articles have a life cycle that starts with a good amount of views and traffic for you right off the bat, then they fall in the directories and your traffic will come slower, but from time to time you will get website traffic increases from newsletters and other sites using your articles.

The article writing and marketing game is not a hard one to play. You will see a real website traffic increase in about a month or two of writing and you will see an increase in website traffic right off the bat when you submit your articles. The best part is articles never go anywhere and the longer they are out there the better chance they will spread across the web and increase your website traffic even more.

Increase your Website Traffic with Article Marketing. Discover how to get a website traffic increase and find all the secrets to Article Marketing:

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There's no doubt about it, writing articles and submitting them to directories is the absolute best way to market any website on the Internet. However, many novices don't understand how to properly market your website with this method.

Most marketers submit one or two articles a week (I was one of them). If you do this, you will get tiny results from your efforts. You absolutely need to write dozens of articles every single week.

How in the world can you come with five new articles every single day? Don't worry, when you reach the end of this article, this won't be a secret for you anymore.

Just follow these simple steps:

1. The Outline.

Beware, don't write the title first because it will take a lot of your time. Just think about a topic and write it down. Then, do the same for your four articles.

You can do this in the same or different niches.

2. A few bullet point

Then, take each sentence you wrote from the first step above and add a few bullet points to each one. Do this fast. each bullet will become a paragraph.

3. Expand

Now, just add one single phrase under each bullet. When you reach the last bullet, quickly come back to the first and add something. Do this for all your other bullets. It is important to do this very fast.

4. Polish

You are almost done. All you need to do is to add an introduction and a conclusion to your articles. In the intro, just say that you will talk about the bullets.

5. The Headline

Now, quickly read your finished article and it less than 30 second, come with a headline, and then a second one. Choose the best one!

6. Spellcheck

Now, you need to spellcheck your article. When you write fast, you have typos, so be sure to fix those or your article will be rejected and you won't get any traffic from it.

7. The resource box

Your bio box should be done even before the article. If you didn't do it yet, add it to your resource box template in the article directory.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from article marketing Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it:

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The term "Internet Marketing", also referred to as E marketing or online marketing, is an incredibly broad one. The internet has brought many advantages to marketing including low costs in distributing information and media to a global audience. Internet marketing may mean one thing to you, but to another person it could produce a completely different set of values. You may see this as a problem, but it is actually an advantage because this shows that internet marketing is a vast industry and can be worked with in many different ways.

Companies that use internet marketing can save money because of a reduced need for a sales force. Consumers can access the internet and research products as well as purchase them, at any time of the day, not just during average working hours. Internet marketing is growing at a faster rate than other types of media so it is a worthwhile and desired tool to adopt.

If you have identified internet marketing as your favoured method, then you should learn about the industry in which it is in. First ask yourself 'why do I need internet marketing skills?' The fact that you have a website is the answer to this question. When the website is developed, you will want to drive traffic to it and the most effective way to do this is through internet marketing.

There are many business models based on the specific needs of each person or business who launches an internet marketing campaign. These include e-commerce which refers to retailing over the internet i.e. goods are sold to directly to businesses or consumers; publishing, or the sale of advertising; and lead-based sites where a company generates value by getting sales leads on their sites.

The first thing to do when getting started with internet marketing is to gather as much information together as possible. Internet marketing is a popular topic so there should be many resources available both online and offline. Just make sure your online information is from knowledgeable people who provide credible sources.

If internet marketing seems slightly out of your realm, then it is best to get in touch with companies who specialise in this area to allow you better insight and inside knowledge. There are many companies that will work on your behalf to ensure that your online marketing campaigns are a success. You will obviously have to pay for such services, but it will ensure a worthy investment and money-making results for you in the long-term.

As you can probably gather, getting started in internet marketing is just the beginning. After you have decided that an internet marketing campaign is needed for your project, it is then important to consider all of your options closely. As discussed, you can do many things to make internet marketing work to your advantage, as it is such a vast area.

To conclude, internet marketing involves carrying out your own research, and then hiring a company to work on your behalf, ensuring great results for your website.

James Copper is a writer for where you can find internet marketing help.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Getting a high page rank is focused on how many back links you have. To get a high page rank you will need a lot of back links and from sites with high authority. There are a few tricks of the trade to achieve this and most of the time it does not involve buying or selling links which is expensive and not allowed by google.

10 Steps to a high Page rank:

1. Complete do follow blog lists. Leave valuable long comments on blogs and each counts as a back link.

2. Use digg and other social bookmarking services to get some back links. These links have high authority so they work very well.

3. Make sure to get links to the best directories such as Jayde, Dmoz and yahoo.

4. Make sure you use your signature links well in do follow forums. In some forums each post can count as a back link.

5. Involve your self with link exchanges. Make sure the site your exchanging with is from the same niche as your site and they have less than twenty outbound links per page. If they have more than twenty links per page it could actually damage your page rank instead of increase it.

Also expect the unexpected when it comes to PR updates. Often they will come very early or very late. Some times google can leave no update for six months and then have another two updates in two months. Just make sure you continue to work on these back link building strategies and every thing should turn out fine.

Visit Free SEO secrets! This is a must see site for all webmasters and SEO enthusiasts. Visit Free SEO advice and strategies to rank 1st in major search engines!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Well, what is article marketing? It is one of the simplest ways of promotion on Internet. The principle is so: you are writing a good article, publishing it in one of the big article directories with the link to your blog, and then others copy it on their sites. Thus, if article is good, youll receive a big quantity of backlinks on your blog.

Many people dont use this way to promote and vainly! Using this method with a good links anchor text could increase your link popularity in times and the main - absolutely free. For example, if youre writing about digital cameras, post what is better to choose in this area and what advantages does it have and at the end of the article put the link to your blog with needed anchor text. Such link will be appreciated by search engines as no one other.

Im using this method for about 2 months and get a huge quantity of backlinks and visitors thanks to it. Where is it better to submit your articles? Ill try to show you.

The leader is - EzineArticles. This is the best and most trafficable article directory with excellent support and fast approvement. After posting of 10 articles youll be given platinum status and if your articles are correspond to their terms, you will be appropriate the status of the expert. EzineArticles give me from 2 to 10 unique visitors per day.

The second place in my list is ArticleDashBoard. It also has fast improvement of articles, Page Rank 6, but it gives small quantity of visitors on my blog. Though some of my articles are popular on this portal and many people copy them with my link.

The third is GoArticles. Page Rank 5, Alexa rank 6362 (incomparably with Ezines-608). Convenient and clear but no more than. Anyway it is useful to submit there for good link ranging.

For attraction of readers to your articles you will need to know some tips to use. Here is what I recommend:

* Keywords is your way to popularity. Try to choose small quantity inquires, instead of Digital Camera use Digital Camera Market Review.

* Good title will attract readers to click on it. Think out a clinging title, but dont try to deceive.

* Submit your articles in different categories. Your link should be everywhere.

* Change the description of the source. Use as much keywords as possible in it, but dont go too far.

Of course good article will attract more readers, but many of them will even not read it to copy to their blog. Everything depends on description and title.

I think that article marketing has a big future. Do not neglect of this way, the way of good increasing of your popularity. It will be returned a hundredfold.

Artem Belinskiy. I'm living in Ukraine. My main job is Internet. I make money online and want to tell how you could do this too.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you're looking to get better search engine ranks, the following article will give you useful tips on how to get those better ranks as well as telling you why you need to do so!

Today, we belong to a society where if you want to find any kind of information you just get to a pc (or even mobile phone) and search for it. Heck, people are now even saying "I'll google it"!

In this regard it is imperative that your website ranks well in the search engines. It is this rank that can decide the overall success of the website. This in turn results in the failure or success of meeting our personal aims of why we set up that web site in the first place. This may be to make money from it, gain exposure of ourselves or our cause, or maybe to offer help to others.

If we miss out on a good Google rank we'll be missing out on 80% of the worlds internet search engine traffic with 300 million queries each day and be buried in the sea of over 8 billion other web pages listed on Google. Although only Google itself knows all of the algorithms that it uses to rank web pages, there are three very fundamental techniques we need to adopt as a bare minimum if we want better search engine ranks.

Once these are done it is more or less certain to show a positive reflection on the search engine ranks that we hold. These 3 absolute "must do's" are;

1) Believe the old saying - 'content is king'. Just sprinkling your chosen key words at strategic places is no more enough to draw good amount of traffic for your site. Google is all about quality for it's users so give it that quality information and you'll get better search engine ranks, and fast become an 'authority site'. In addition, add fresh content by updating your content regularly or add a Blog.

2) In your quest for better search engine ranks, another thing of pivotal importance is linking. These links should again be from quality sites that have relevant content and you never stop searching for new links to your pages. Never use 'link farms'. These will have the opposite effect on your search engine ranks. Articles, blogs and forums with your signature link to your web site is a great way to get one way links to your web site.

3) Optimise your site for a keyword phrase. It's no good trying to get to the top of google for a broad phrase like 'buy shoes'. Your competition is far too great. You need to choose a specific phrase like 'buy Italian leather shoes' and then optimise your web page for that. Then repeat this for your other web pages with other keyword phrases. Long-tail keyword phrases are the way to go for better search engine ranks. And it's good for sales too as you get highly targeted traffic looking for exactly what you are offering them!

Now, although the 3 techniques I mention only scratch the surface on how to get better search engine ranks they are the most important and if you use them they will certainly give your web site a traffic boost.

We haven't even mentioned other techniques such as optimising meta tags, using social book marking, adding 'alt' tags for images, avoiding Google's duplicate content penalization and all the other tricks and tips you should know about. One article is just not enough to give you all the tips on achieving better search engine ranks!

To ensure you get to the very top of google and dominate your competition make sure you check out for more great advice. Do it now, before your competition does!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Do you think article marketing is just about getting links back to your site? At first, this could really be the main purpose of having your articles published to article directories or ezines. But then more than this reason, you should also need to consider many factors.

First, you just do not put in information that is useless to your readers. As much as possible, everything should be helpful to your audience so that they would be able to read up to the end of your article and further more up to the resource box.

Second, write as if you are conversing with a friend. Pure information that are written in a boring mode will surely shun away the traffic you wanted. That link that is provided on your resource box will not serve its purpose if people will not read your boring article. Liven up a bit and be conversational with your article.

Third, use a catchy title. This is the icing of the article. If this icing tastes yummy, then you can expect that the whole cake will be eaten. Your title is the deciding factor. Give your readers the reason to read the entire article.

All of these factors will actually lead to having that link being used by your readers. You need to make sure that your article will be read and would serve its main purpose of advertising your site. With this link, you would get to achieve a profit that you never expected would be the result of article marketing.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

In a recent article we talked about "buying customers" as the definition of marketing.

Yes, you can measure specifically and precisely - virtually to the penny - what you pay to acquire the typical new customer. And you should, because it will help you make better decisions about how you invest your marketing dollars, and give you a position of power when negotiating with media and other marketing channels.

The same formula can be employed when calculating what it costs you to re-acquire a customer you have already once bought.

Mr. Miller's car dealership pays more than a salesman's commission in marketing dollars to send that car out the door. There's an allocation for national advertising, an allocation for the regional dealer group that advertises jointly, and an allocation for the dealer's local advertising budget. All tolled the marketing budget for a single car runs into the hundreds of dollars.

But it could be a lot less, if Mr. Miller allocated by CUSTOMER, rather than by car.

Focusing on Your Existing Customers

Consider this. Mr. Miller spends - oh, let's hypothetically say, $360.00 - on the advertising required to sell a car. Or better yet, let's say to bring in one buyer. If he follows the lead of the typical dealer and past practices, he'll continue to do the same kind of media advertising week after week, and year after year, and hope that when it's time to buy another car, the customer who bought the first one will come to him again.

Frequent Friendly Communication

On the other hand, what if Mr. Miller adopted the practice of sending a greeting card to that buyer once a month, and did so each and every month. Sometimes the card would simply be a greeting. Happy birthday or anniversary; Happy Holidays or Happy New Year. Other times, Mr. Miller might make offers to the customer. It might be for service work, or to actually consider another car purchase. On occasion, he might simply recommend other products and services in the area that might bring added value to the lives of his customers.

If it actually cost him two full dollars to print and mail each one of these greeting cards - a very high price indeed - Mr. Miller could send the cards for 180 consecutive months. That's 15 YEARS worth of contact and customer relationship building before it would have cost him his full allocation, to get that customer to come back and buy again.

How To Secure Customer Relationships

Now, we know that the typical buyer is in the market to buy another car every two to three years. By following the "re-acquisition" approach we are recommending, Mr. Miller no longer leaves to chance whether he'll get that customer back again. He virtually GUARANTEES it, because he has built a relationship, rather than merely advertised.

The most important thing to remember in this scenario is the dramatically reduced cost of re-acquisition, compared to the original cost to buy the customer. If it takes him a full three years to get this buyer back, at his $2.00 a month investment, he will have spend just $72.00. What happens to the other $288.00? Why that's profit for Mr. Miller.

This is what we call "re-buying" your existing customers at "wholesale" rather than "retail" rates.

Most everybody knows it's far easier and less expensive to keep your existing customers than it is to buy new ones. It's far easier and cheaper, and more profitable to get your existing customers to return than it is to constantly have to buy new ones.

Still, few businesses have "frequency of purchase" marketing programs, specifically designed to get customers to come back in. They allocate few, if any dollars to this specific purpose, and they leave their existing customer promotions to the "afterthought" category.

What an incredible, inexcusable blunder!

Why would Mr. Miller - or you, for that matter - want to spend $360.00 to get a customer back in the door, when he could do it easier, for $72 or less?

Re-acquisition of existing customers is so much less expensive and so much more profitable, that at some point, if you really concentrate on it, you can all but eliminate that expensive, full retail-priced new customer acquisition stuff, and strictly go for re-buying those wholesale-priced customers.

Here's What You Do...

Specifically, here are our recommendations for you and Mr. Miller...

  • Make frequency of purchase marketing programs the number one priorities on your list of marketing initiatives.Once you acquire new customers, do whatever it takes to convert them into "clients" with whom you have an on-going relationship. You want them to see you as "their car dealer", "their plumber", "their podiatrist", or "their jeweler." Contact your existing customer base at least six times a year, preferably monthly. It doesn't have to be a solicitation every time, but it should be most of the time. Remember, if you fail to ask your customers to buy, they'll fail to continue to be your customers.
  • Allocate up to 50% of your marketing budget to your existing customer base, if you're an existing business that sells a consumable product. And we do consider automobiles a consumable. (We've worked with a company that sells bird feeders through a franchise operation. They put a lifetime guarantee on their feeders. It may only be a $20 to $50 item, but it's not a consumable, because customers never have to buy another. Of course, the seed they sell is consumable. Cars, on the other hand are about shot after three or four years, despite their sky high price tags, so they are consumables.)
  • Have private sales.
  • Use bounce back offers.
  • Use frequent buyer cards or clubs.

Don't be afraid to sink this much of your marketing budget into your existing customer base. This is such a profitable thing to do, you'll still be able to do all the new customer marketing you want, using the surplus profits you rake in from shifting your marketing emphasis to this re-acquisition strategy.

Consider using up to 25% of your budget to solicit new customers from the existing customer bases of other non-competing businesses who have your same kind of customers, and to whom you would pay a small commission only when one of their customers also becomes one of yours.

Finally, the value of an existing customer is so great, make sure all employees understand it, and empower them to make existing customers happy. And make sure you have a system in place to re-activate dormant customers.

Obviously, those starting out in business, or who simply don't have enough existing customers or a consumable product line, must concentrate on buying new customers. But as soon as you get those new ones, you must have a program in place to get them back and get them back more often, for a longer period of time.

Derek Viveiros is a Certified Marketing Coach who teaches the principles of marketing to small-medium sized business owners. He has helped business owners dramatically increase revenues with his unique one-on-one coaching style. Keep your mind on marketing your business everyday with the Daily 30 Second marketing tip. Click here for your free registration.

Jim Ackerman is President of Ascend Marketing, Inc. of Salt Lake City. He is a member of the National Speakers Association and developer of the Principle-Centered Marketing CoachingTM Program. 2006, Jim Ackerman. All rights reserved

Amazing Article Marketing - 7 Lucrative Methods To Explode Your Article Marketing

Right now, I'd like to offer you a condensed, brief crash course on article marketing and writing and quickly demonstrate to you how these little "viral cash generating goldmines" can instantly increase your traffic and sales.

Forget everything you were taught in English class. Writing articles Is "meatball writing". You want to write in your own style and at an 8th grade reader level...

Here are 7 effective tactics for explosive article marketing:

1. Don't try to impress your readers with your sheer intelligence.

2. Don't use big words when you can use much simpler, shorter words that have the same meaning.

3. Don't bore your readers! Add some sizzle and spice.

4. Be unique and show your personality! Don't be afraid to be yourself.

5. Always keep your articles short, sweet, concise... and to the point. Each article should be about 300 to 700 words.

6. When adding articles (as content) to your website, you can make your article as long as you'd like, however when submitting to article directories to promote your affiliate products and or your own sites you want to follow their strict guidelines which usually involve a specific maximum word count and format.

7. Use bulleted points and break up lines of text with transitional effects like this... and this -- or use (parenthesis like this) to make it easier on your reader's eyes.

And always try to keep this vital tips in mind as well when writing...

A well marketing article should consist of short sentences and short paragraphs, bulleted points and sub-headings, each addressing a specific point of topic in your article.

There should be lots of white space within your article body. Most people look at large blocks of text and will go away from your article very quickly. You do not want to lose your reader.

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Grab your free 10 page PDF Ebook from his "Secret Bum Marketing Golden Article Writing Formula" loaded with tactics and secrets at:

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing can be your strongest ally in growing your ebusiness. Without burning your pockets, it can help draw qualified traffic to your website, help you earn the trust of your potential clients by showcasing your expertise on your chosen niche, augment the number of your backlinks so you can pull up your search engine ranking, and augment your sales potential and revenue.

Here are the 6 efficient ways to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Be an expert. You need to be a great source of information so you can easily make your articles content-rich, valuable, and useful to your readers. Thus, it would really help if you can constantly keep yourself abreast with the latest issues that are affecting your target niche by reading related materials either from online or offline sources.

2. Use attention-grabbing titles. The online competition in getting online users' attention cannot be stiffer these days. As such, you need to give your articles an edge so you can easily increase their chances of being noticed, opened, and read. This can easily be done by using interesting titles that can quickly catch the attention of online users.

3. Optimize. Your articles, no matter how informative and how well they were written, will be left unread if no one can find them online. Make them search engine-friendly so they can match relevant searches by sprinkling generous amount of keywords all throughout your content.

4. Pick the best topics for your articles. To easily attract interested people on your website or people who are most likely to buy your products and services, write about topics that are highly related to your offerings, target niche, and potential clients.

5. Brainstorm, do your research, and create an outline. Once you have chosen your topics, write down all the information that you would like to include in your content. Then, check reputable resources to check the accuracy of your information and obtain more data. Lastly, create an outline by arranging all the information that you have gathered in a logical manner so your articles will sound highly organized, coherent, and well-guided.

6. Never advertise on your content. If you want to minimize the chances of your articles being rejected by publishing sites, avoid inserting blatant ads or sales pitches on your articles. Instead, focus on giving your readers what they are truly looking for - valuable information.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Email list building is something every good marketer who wants to make a sustainable income online should be involved in. Creating a highly, responsive and profitable email list requires hard work, lots of time, as well as a lot of testing. Yes. You have to test to know what works and what does not. This will save you time and effort.

Now, only a select number of individuals online have built an email list of over 10,000 names. Will you be the next? It is certainly within your ability to do it, and since you are reading this, I assume you want to build a huge email list.

Once you do start to build your list your results may be slow. That said, if after the first month, you have only 200 subscribers and have made only 80 or 100 dollars, are you going to pack it in because you are not making enough money? Some people would consider this. However, there are equally lots of people online that are going to take the attitude that they will do whatever it takes to get to 400 subscribers next month, and 600 the following month and on until they have 10,000 subscribers.

Experience shows that if you are prepared to put in the time and commitment and the hard work, required then in time you can be sure to build it in the several thousand. And with the right testing and mailing, that email opt in list could be earning you anywhere from 50 cents up to about a dollar per name on your list, every single month. Do you have what it takes?

Email list building is not something you can just do with a half-hearted attitude. It asks for the right mindset and commitment on your part. It is certainly not something that will happen overnight. You see, you really need at least 5000 or 10000 names to do meaningful testing. You must ask yourself this question. Am I in it for the long haul to build an email list or is this just a fleeting hobby?

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Willfred D is an expert author and marketer specialising in opt in list building and pre qualified traffic generation techniques.