Monday, June 9, 2008

Review on the Photomax Business Opportunity

This is a very easy one for me to review. I joined Photomax in 2005 and was very excited, as the digital photography was becoming the only way to take pictures. They are great in so many ways.

Just for signing up you are able to get 20 free prints of any digital photograph you have. They provide a very safe and state of the art way to store you digital photographs for free. This safely protects all your photos in case your hard drive crashes. I have known too many people that have lost every photo because they didn't have a safe way to back them up. Photomax has computers that are in granite vaults in Salt Lake City, UT. These photos are backed up there on a continuous basis so they will never be lost.

They provide a nice way to organize your photos into web albums so they are easier to keep track of. The free level provides you 5 GB of storage, which I have been using for 2 years now and have only used up 19% of my allotted space. You are able to send in all of your old photos that are stored away and they will scan them and put them online for you. They will also send you back all your photos in the same condition you sent them along with a CD of your photos.

You are able to make the cutest holiday cards and video DVDs. I had a mug made with my son and grandson, a classic photo that I wanted to always remember. They have some beautiful leather bound photo books made with high quality gloss paper that you can create a nice gift with. There are unlimited gift ideas to choose from.

The business was fun to get into, but a bit expensive. I had to purchase the $199 kit and commit to $100 to come out of my account every single month. This was in order for me to even recruit others in the business. So, it is a way to ensure purchasing products if you want to grow your business. They make this mandatory so that it will not be deemed as a pyramid. There has to be product moved on a regular basis and doing the auto draft insures that the product will be purchased. Also with your membership, you will be given a free website to market your business.

Photomax is a division of Nuskin and a product of Big Planet. They are a Direct Marketing plan that began in 2005. I had started a few months after their launch. They do run on a Multi-level marketing plan where you duplicate yourself in as many downlines as you would like.

Their market is based on a trend called Disruptive technology because it is something that affects our daily lives. They want to be right up with technology and keep their products fresh and of high quality. They are a state of the art solution for customers taking care of needs that truly exist. This is a trend of the Personal Content Arena. Focused on anyone that takes digital pictures or watches videos or uses a cell phone.

The Photomax Company is part of NSE, which trades on the NY Stock Exchange and operating in over 40 countries. Last year, NSE paid out over $550 million dollars in commissions to representatives in their company.

Each time someone buys from your Photomax site, you make money, every time you sign someone up and they sell products, you make money. This is a business of people telling other people about their business. I can't say that I made any money, but I did try to recruit, had a few that signed up and dropped out. I attended many meetings and had a few recruiting meetings where there were many that did show up. There is great support from your upline and they really want you to be successful at it.

Learn the Lemons from the Straight MLM Winners and read about Trivita from Brian Garvin and Jeff West at MLM Review Kings.
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