Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

To succeed with affiliate marketing, you need to have your own website and a professional one.

Then decide on the niche or theme that you are going to market products and services to, as this will help you to plan the design and layout of your website pages.

You also need to choose a domain name that is related to the niche you are marketing to. This will increase your search engine ranking, the search engines take related domain name to products as one of their consideration for search engine rankings.

Also having the keywords of your products or niche in the contents of your website helps to draw more traffic to your website.

Choose a good web host that has all the features that you need to host a professional website to host your website which include php,cgi-bin supports, web stats support, email and ftp program etc.

Create quality content webpages or outsource the job to a professional webdesigner, if you do not have the expertise in web designing.

Next you will need to provide high quality contents on your website to drive traffic to your site. Write interesting articles related to your niche or have them written for you and this will encourage visitors to come back to your site for more information, contents and product offers.

Add links to all the affiliate programs that complement your site and other good information sites.

Developing pages for all the products that you are endorsing by providing quality contents on them, not just advertising or marketing hyped up ads.

You will then need to submit your site to the search engines and use other promotional methods to drive traffic to your websites such as online forums contributions, free viral methods, pay per promotions, free email courses, link exchange with other complimentary but not direct competing sites, article submissions to ezine directory sites and use catchy headlines to write the articles.

Create freebies through free-ebook free report, free scripts or free softwares for people to download, also write product reviews for products you have bought and submit to the merchants with your site links, create free blogs to generate traffic. Build or subscribe to rss feeds and comment on other blogs. While starting your affiliate business, starting building lists as list building is seen as the heart of affiliate marketing or online business, all successful affiliate marketers build their lists and market products related to their needs.

Build your list of opt in subscribers quickly and easily using free promotional methods such as contributing in online forums, free viral ebook creation, article submissions, link exchange request from other marketers etc.

Above all be willing to learn and be teachable as you market along from successful affiliate models, get their resources to test and know what works and what doesnt.

Also find the right affiliate niche that you are interested in and is in demand, write product endorsement to increase your traffic. Aniekan E Udobong is an experience affiliate marketer and net entrepreneur helping people and small business to grow their business online, visit his website to find out how to become a super affiliate and earn a full time automated income from affiliate programs onlinebusinessoffice.biz

Aniekan E Udobong is an experience affiliate marketer and net entrepreneur helping people and small business to grow their business online, visit his website to find out how to become a super affiliate and earn a full time automated income from affiliate programs at http://www.bloggingforprofits.info/affiliatemarketing.html


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