Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tried-and-Tested Way To Bring Visitors To Your Website

Ask any experienced internet marketers what is the method he most commonly used to generate traffic and more likely than not you will hear article-marketing.

What is Article Marketing and how does it work?

Simply write articles related to your expert topic or targeted niche. Next submit them to free content submission sites or article directories.

Each article is usually about 300 500 words long. It requires no advertising costs, just a a little time to put to words what you probably already know by heart.

How can article-writing boost traffic and income?

The articles contains a link to your own website at the end (known as backlinks), usually incorporated in a little resource box about the writer. After reading your articles, people may choose to click on the link and pay you an unexpected visit.

More importantly there are thousands of webmasters constantly scouting at article directories for new and good quality articles to publish on their own sites. When they do that, your article appears on their website too along with the backlinks.

As the list of publishers grow with your article appearing on more and more websites on the internet, the total number of backlinks to your site also increases. As a result your website gets ranked higher and higher on the search engines result pages Search Engine Optimization without any efforts! This is because search engines like Google place a lot of emphasis on the number of incoming backlinks to determine importance of a web page.

Search engines do not just index websites but also published articles. Hence whenever someone in your target market searches for a related topic, your articles may get call up just as well as your website. Either way you stand to benefit from the increased exposure on the internet as all your articles contain backlinks to your website. This is akin to you having thousands of webpages online waiting to be scooped up by any search engines.

How can you start?

As in all things, the most difficult part is taking the 1st step.

If you are new to article-writing, I suggest you first go to some article directories like and take a look at how articles are written by established writers and experts in various domains.

Start writing that first article within the next 10 days by deciding on a suitable topic related to your niche and have 3 key points or solutions to share.

Once that is achieved, set a higher goal of completing 10 articles within the next 30 days, followed by 50 articles in 3 months and so on. The idea is to take incremental small steps as you improve.

Have fun writing and soon you will be on your way to higher profits as more backlinks are generated on the net for your website attracting tremendous amount of free traffic to you.

Additional Resource

Download your Free 20-page Special Report for more internet marketing tips at Darren Goh is a successful internet marketer maverick based in Singapore and author of Internet Marketing Wise Part I Beginner's JumpStart Manual.

Copyright 2007 Darren Goh : You may re-publish this article online provided you keep the byline, additional resource and the active hyperlinks.


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