Thursday, May 15, 2008

Can SEO Software Bring Targeted Traffic?

Is Your Traffic Just Window-Shopping?

In order to better understand the importance of targeted traffic, let's consider an offline business scenario. Take any ordinary shopping mall; malls generally generate large amounts of consumer traffic. But how many of those people actually come to the mall to buy something? Think about it- the majority of people who come to malls are window shoppers- they may look into your store but they probably won't buy anything.

Now compare this to a single store that isn't in a mall. This store might not generate that much traffic but the traffic that does come in usually translates into sales. For example, people who specifically come into a pet store are probably looking to buy something, rather than just browse. Effective SEO software essentially gives you the best of both worlds- you get mall traffic that consists of single-store customers, looking to make a purchase.

SEO And You

It's obvious that when it comes to SEO software, you need a package that will bring in traffic that will actually boost your business. There is no point in generating loads of traffic when less than five percent of it translates into sales. If you're thinking of doing some SEO for your business, you need to make sure your methods target the appropriate niche audiences. For example, if your online business is related to software, then your keywords, descriptions and advertising should be geared towards people who are not just interested in software, they should also be interested in making a software purchase.

But can all this be done by simply using SEO? The answer is yes, but you need to know your options first. There are consultancy firms and professionals who will take care of all your SEO needs for you- but they are expensive. You'll need at least $500 to get started and if your keywords are competitive, the rates will rise. On the other hand, SEO software is a lot less expensive and can be just as effective.

Before you invest in SEO software, make sure it takes care of link analysis, keyword density and keyword prominence in your website. Your software should also keep an eye on your competitors for you- this includes noting IP addresses and keeping an eye on Alexa ratings. In terms of the SEO software itself, remember that it should be easy to use. A good software package will come with tutorials and instruction manuals to help you navigate the software. Regular software upgrades are also a must- as trends in SEO keep changing; your software should be equipped to deal with newer methods and situations.

Lee Green, Success Coach and Business Mentor

Lee has over 30 years of business experience and has been online since 1994. He is an internet marketing and direct response professional and specializes in Web 2.0, Affiliate Marketing and Network Marketing strategies and techniques. People consider him consistently reliable, a good and well-liked friend and trusted advisor.

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