Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Da Vinci Code of Search Engine Optimization

I recently signed a new client for Search Engine Optimization Services (thats what we do). The problem, same as always was she wanted $10,000 worth of optimization on a $200 a month budget. I was groovin on her style and liked her can do attitude. We put together a program.

She has a unique selling proposition, competitively priced products, and is in a relatively crowded marketspace. Her website was built on the cheap, but is structurally sound. Shes been playing around with FrontPage and can at least create new pages from old ones, change images, add new content and publish her changes.

Sounds good so far. Right? Just enough knowledge to get into trouble!

Leonardo Da Vinci once said Savage is he who saves himself. So in the spirit of Hollywood heres the Da Vinci Code for helping out your SEO Expert, reducing your Search Engine Positioning costs and maximizing your website return on investment.

This is a recipe so to speak, so follow the instructions.

Da Vinci Code #1

Existing Content. Using your favorite HTML editor (well use FrontPage for this exercise) do some basic on page SEO. Using the bold feature (the B at the top of the page) bold the keywords in your content. Dont do crazy, but try to highlight at least 3 or 4 times per page. Feel free to mix it up for readability and use italics instead of bold (the I at the top of the page). Just like your reader, the search engines take notice of words in bold and italics when used for emphasis.

Da Vinci Code #2

Find the hidden treasure in your images. Search engines could care less about your images or what your site looks like. To them theyre just code. So give them the code theyre looking for. Using the right click button, right click on your favorite image, select Picture Properties, click on General. Give your image a name related to your keywords, example: search_engine_optimization.jpg. Put at least one keyword in the text section, then write a keyword rich description of the image. Now the search engines can read the code of your image.

Da Vinci Code #3

New Content. Hopefully your SEO Expert will have done some in depth keyword research for you. Pick 10 keywords that you want to target. Now create a page for each keyword set. Start creating a new page of content from one of your existing pages in FrontPage by highlighting the HTML file in the left hand column. Right click and select New from Existing Page. This preserves your existing layout and saves you from having to recreate a whole new layout/theme if youre not experienced with CSS.

I know that every SEO guru and web design grandmasters head just exploded, but remember this is YOU saving YOU, not THEM billing YOU. You can fix the architecture when you start realizing gains from your efforts.

Start writing. I prefer to divide my keywords up into three tiers. (1) The keyword you use thematically throughout your site the tough one that everybody is chasing (link a few of these back to your home page see #4). Search Engine Optimization). (2) The keyword that THIS page is about Example: Pay Per Click. (3) A localized version of both Example: Arizona Search Engine Optimization and Scottsdale Pay Per Click.

Da Vinci Code #4

Link Building. Charity begins at home. Make sure you have an internal linking strategy. Link back from internal content pages to your home page or to other internal content pages. In Front Page, make sure to take advantage of the Screen Tip function (in the top right hand corner of the hyperlink popup box). Put in the keyword relevant to that hyperlink. Link building is a science to a certain degree, but you can help out your SEO Expert by going old school. Ask your suppliers, customers and friends who have websites to link to your site then mix and match when those sites are linking to your site. Dont have every link go straight to your home page.

Da Vinci Code #5

Become an Expert. Believe it or not, someone out there actually is looking for the knowledge and experience you already have. Write an article for your blog, share it with your competitor, syndicate it (ask your SEO or emarketing consultant about strategy here). This is great for the double whammy of link building and traditional how to marketing. Check out Ezinearticles, GoArticles or Article Sender. They are good places to start becoming an expert. Include these articles or press releases as new pages of content on your site.

If you are willing, and have the time, you can help your SEO Expert make you successful and reduce your costs. Always remember that Search Engine Optimization is an ongoing process and results take time, so be patient. And be savage about it!

Kaboodle Ventures The Blog Mill


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