Sunday, June 29, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Getting top 10 Google rankings is not rocket science. It is simple keyword and linking research. Here is a step by step process that will have you ranking in the top 10 of Google in no time.

Step 1: Develop a Keyword List

This is the easiest part. Starting with single word terms like, 'education' and 'teaching', develop a keyword list. There are several free keyword tools available on the internet. I prefer SEOBook's free keyword research tool. To do this research, I would have two windows open both with the keyword research tool. I'd search 'education' in one and 'teaching' in the other. I'm not even going to try and rank for 'teaching' and 'education'. That would be impossible. However, I'm interested in the phrases that contain these words.

Step2: Analyzing Competition

The vast majority of 'experts' out there are going about this one all wrong. These people will type a key phrase into Google and then see how many pages are indexed for the that phrase. If there are a lot, they disregard it and keep looking. This number is not a reliable indicator of whether or not you can rank in the top 10 of Google for that phrase.

So what it is? If you guessed page rank you are wrong again. Though to be fair, page rank does have a little to do with it. The most important factor that determines your ranking in the search engines is the number of incoming links you have. So, how do you analyze the competition?

To determine if you can rank in the top 10 you need to first search the term you want to rank for in Google. Then, analyze, one by one, the sites in the top for the number of bank links coming into them. There are several ways to do this, including using SEO software, Yahoo! Sitesearch or special SEO browser plugins that are usually free. There is a Hubpage (link below) that provides a step-by-step guide using a great called SEOQuake, a free SEO browser plugin, to quickly see how many back links are coming in to each of the sites in the top ten.

Step 3: Determine Your Link Building Ability

After you know how many links are coming into the site in the top ten, you need to determine if you can get more than any of those 10 sites. That all you need to do, in combination with some on-page factors, to beat out the sites in the top ten.

Typically, it shouldn't be hard to build 100 links into a page with a little hard work. If you think you can get more than 100 links then you can go for some more competitive terms.

The last step is to build the web page based on the keyword and then start building links. Following this simple approach is all it take to find keywords that you can easily rank in the top ten of Google with. Good luck.

For SEO on achieving top 10 search engine rankings, contact Jonathan at - Visit the tutorial at SEO tool


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