Friday, May 23, 2008

How Virtual Assistants Can Get More Clients Online

Virtual Assistants (or VAs) perform many different tasks for their clients. They do everything from proofreading to helping their clients provide great customer service to web site design and web site maintenance to setting up teleclasses and sending out newsletters to many more.

Since virtual assistants perform all these tasks from their own offices, a virtual assistant business is a perfect business to promote online. I have taught online marketing to many virtual assistants, and here are top 5 tips I have for you, whether you are just starting a new virtual assistant practice or you are a seasoned VA:

- Find A Target Market For Your Virtual Assistant Business. I have seen too many virtual assistants who are just starting their own businesses take on everyone as their target market. While it might be tempting to say that everyone is your target market, finding a smaller target market will help you create a better marketing message, get clients faster, and ultimately, succeed with your business.

- Have A Professional Web Site. Since you are offering professional virtual assistance services, it is only fitting that your web site has a professional image.

Make sure that your web site has a professional look and feel and creates a good first impression for your potential customers.

- Explain What You Do. Not everyone is familiar with the term virtual assistant. Make sure that you explain what it is, and what services you provide. Telling your prospective clients about your services will make it easier for them to understand what you do.

- Drive Traffic To Your Web Site Using Article Marketing. Article marketing is a great way to show your expertise and promote your virtual assistant business. When you publish articles, each one of your articles comes with a Resource Box. The Resource Box contains information about you and your business. However, the most important thing that the Resource Box contains is a link back to your web site. Web sites and blog owners who reprint your article include your Resource Box with a "live" link back to your web site. Thus, your articles help you generate a unidirectional (one-way) links to your web site. These unidirectional links are great for driving more traffic to your web site.

- Get a Blog and Start Blogging. A business blog is an excellent tool to toot your own horn, let the world know about your virtual assistance business, as well as your services, and tell your target customers why they should do business with you, rather than your competitor. A business blog is also a great tool for attracting potential customers to your blog and your web site.

Use these five tips to take your virtual assistance business to the next level. Internet is a great place to promote your business and find clients make sure your use Internet marketing techniques to promote your virtual assistant business.

Biana Babinsky is the online business consultant, expert and author who teaches virtual assistants how to get more clients online and make more money. Learn how to make more money with your virtual assistant business by getting her free report, How To Get More Clients For Your Business Online at


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